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How Women In “Male-Dominated Industries” Are Succeeding

There’s been a substantial shift in attitude in recent years towards women in the workplace, especially women working in male-dominated industries. But, women are still subjected to less pay than their male counterparts and still have to work harder to achieve equality with men in their industry. There’s also still a huge lack of parity when we consider the gender ratio of corporate boards and managing directors leading industry sectors.

Many people would suggest that there cannot be more women on boards because there simply aren’t enough women who are qualified. But isn’t this the entire problem? There is a wealth of untapped potential among the female population that just isn’t being nurtured. In fact, it isn’t even steadily marketed to their demographic.


From Moms to Mompreneurs

First, there were moms who needed/wanted to stay home with their kids. The next thing we knew, people started reaching higher-than-ever stress levels, mostly due to being overworked! Then, all of a sudden, more and more women left the corporate grind to follow their passions and create their ideal work experience as bloggers and online entrepreneurs. One of the most ideal parts of the experience? Being in a flexible position to spend quality time with their families.

Fortunately, over the past several decades, self-employment has become a more valid career choice for women. Since nearly everyone is online, thousands of blogs and e-commerce ‘niche’ businesses are being launched every day. I’d like you to look at how you can excel to make your business dreams, regardless of the industry, come true! Continue reading to find out exactly how women in male-dominated industries are succeeding in today’s work climate.


How Women In

“Male-Dominated Industries”

Are Succeeding


They Speak Up In Male-Dominated Industries

When you set up your own small business, it’s only natural to feel a bit shy at first. There are crazy numbers of successful and larger companies that are all of a sudden your competition! It can feel strange to attempt to compete for contracts with so many successful businesses.

However, if you want to make a name for yourself in your industry, you must become a force to be reckoned with! I know it may sound cheesy but in order to compete, you have become the truly worthy competition.

You must choose your battles wisely and try not to get, or at least show, intimidated. It’s pretty unlikely that you’ll get the first, second or even fifth contract you bid for. Eventually, though, you will succeed in landing a contract.

You’ll probably even outbid your more established rivals. This could be because your pricing was competitive or your branding caught someone’s eye. Maybe the client appreciated the personal touch that your small or solo business had to offer.

Once you’ve got your “hook,” you can build upon your success. When in meetings, speak up when you have something valuable to say. But don’t just speak for the sake of saying something. People will learn to listen when you talk and note that you only speak when adding tremendous value.


They Become Experts At What They Do

It’s important to never compete with anyone except yourself and in this climate of man vs woman, it’s no different. Develop a strategy and know exactly what you want to say, using quantitative and evidence-based dialogue. Clients and associates will not take kindly to “hot air” whether it is from a male or female.

Becoming an expert will give you the inner confidence you need to succeed. Many male-dominated industries such as Construction, have so few women in their ranks that you may find yourself becoming an asset because of your gender.

Female plumbers, electricians, and construction workers have a greater affinity with female clients. If a woman has a leaky faucet or minor flood in her bathroom, she may feel more confident and be trusting of a fellow woman.

Let’s say you’re a woman who’s starting a business in property renovation. You might launch a marketing campaign geared toward women who want to see a greater return on their savings.

So you secure your investment, sort out your equipment and crane hire, employ relevant tradespeople and get working on the site. When people see the quality of your projects and workmanship, you can begin carving out a niche among what used to be male-dominated industries.


They Lead By Example

It’s easy for people to tell you to ignore sexism and prejudice in the workplace. But it’s hard to combat sexist attitudes, just to have your voice heard. However, if you choose to set up your own business, you’ll have a lot more control over how and when you are heard.

You can also choose who you work with and have working relationships with. As a female business owner, you essentially become an industry leader in your own right, a female entrepreneur. There are many male entrepreneurs who would happily consider you on merit and not base their opinions on your gender.

Make the decision to lead by example and forge a career within your chosen field, whether it’s construction, manufacturing or trucking. Universities are keen on having women enroll in STEM subjects, as industries are realizing that there’s a lot of untapped potential in our society (namely, women) that can be used for the benefit of their industry. 

Female leaders from predominantly male-dominated industries are venturing into schools to inspire the next generation. This inspiration has proven effective as we’re seeing less young women fulfilling their gender stereotypes. Girls are now encouraged to follow their passions whether this is science, technology or carpentry. These female “beacons of industry” allow girls to see that a STEM-based education can lead to a promising career. Also, they can absolutely compete alongside their male peers!


It is totally possible to find success as a woman in any number of “male-dominated industries”. And in recent years, we’ve finally begun to see a narrowing of the gender pay gap. You can be one of many women who have chosen to tackle prejudice in all its forms. The best way to do that is by becoming successful in any industry you choose!



Jessica Rose Adams

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