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How to Establish Professionalism While Being Relatable

Last Updated on December 20, 2019 by Jessica Adams

As a startup, it can be fun to do things the way you want. Whether it’s the way you describe your products or the quirky personality that you have when you attend trade shows, startups typically have more freedom to experiment with their branding, given that there’s less risk involved.

However, sooner or later, you’re going to want to establish professionalism while being relatable. This is important if you want to attract more lucrative opportunities and investors that would be willing to help you grow your brand.


How to Establish


While Being Relatable


professionalism while being relatable


Be Your Authentic Self & Focus on Your Business 

professionalism while being relatableMake sure your business is true to its message. Explore your passions and remember why you started a business in the first place. Follow your goals and take your business down the route that you choose.

As an Entrepreneur with your own startup, you’re free of ‘management’s attempt’ to try and change the way you do business. You’re the boss, so you should think more about yourself and less about the competition.

The more authentic you are, the easier it will be to grow your business in the future. When the time is right you’ll be ready to establish professionalism while being relatable.


Deliver a Professional Presentation To Your Consumers

professionalism while being relatableMost people don’t realize how important it is to offer a professional presentation to their audience. You could create branded drink pouches for your food products or design a custom-made website to ensure the maximum user experience.

You’ll attract a wider audience when everything in your business is delivered in a professional, creative, and thoughtful package. The ‘unboxing’ experience of your products has to be fantastic and the customer service you offer needs to be top-notch.

You also have to avoid any signs that could potentially point to your lack of experience or concern for the quality of your product. Invest in arming yourself with the necessary tools to make sure that your products are both relatable and professional.


Watch Everything You Say on Social Media

We all know that social media is a fantastic place to grow your business while networking. But say one wrong thing and you could potentially destroy your entire career. Make sure you’re always double-checking what you type before you hit send on the Internet.

If you slip up and let your emotions get the best of you during a disagreement, you could tarnish your reputation forever. You’re probably thinking, “I don’t know, forever? That’s a pretty long time”. Tell that to Roseanne Bar!

professionalism while being relatableIf ever there was a better example of what NOT to do, Tweeting a racially charged joke towards a very high-powered person in your own industry was it. Whatever you say online will essentially stay there forever, so choose your words wisely.

If you have something funny to say that could even potentially offend someone, DON’T SAY IT!! You also don’t want to make any false promises to your audience/customers. Your entire business’s reputation could be on the line if you do NOT pay attention to all that you do online. 

Never fear, this is why Social Media Account Managers exist! If you find yourself overwhelmed with all the rules and regulations, especially as your business grows over the years, hire a social media professional. Make sure it’s someone who has experience running a business-focused social media account.


Maintain a Positive Attitude No Matter Where You Are

professionalism while being relatableIf you’ve just been turned down by an investor, the last thing you want to do is throw a tantrum, freak out and complain. You also don’t want to cause trouble by getting upset over personal issues at work, in front of your employees. 

Not only will you not inspire confidence in your team with this behavior, but you could also prompt your staff to quit. Maintain a positive attitude wherever you are and it will reflect on the products and services that you offer.

While you want to be relatable to both your clients and staff, you also want to nurture a healthy culture of professionalism, support, and transparency… to an extent! 



Jessica Rose Adams

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