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3 Ways That You Can Put The Customer First

Last Updated on January 3, 2019 by Jessica Adams

The first rule of thumb for any customer-centered business is to put the customer first. There is no need for the empty platitudes about how “the customer is always right” or how “the customer is king”.

But you do need to know what it takes to put the customer ahead in your business. The companies that are successful when it comes to customer satisfaction are those that do better than others, but this is so much more than a vague motto to live by.

Putting the customer as the center of your business can help you to understand exactly what it is to be in business. You want to be able to know that you are doing everything possible to make their experience a good one.

From the customer service team on the phones to software like BlueSnap used to make online payments a breeze, your company puts customers at the forefront of the business. The customers are your “bread and butter” that will be making you a profit.

It is for this reason that the way you work when it comes to your customers truly does matter. Here are three ways that you can make sure that you are putting the customer first every time.


3 Ways That You Can Put

The Customer First


put the customer first


Get To Know Your Customers

You need to have a profile of the target audience you hope to sell your products or services to. Once you know who your target customer is, you can change the way that you present your business so that it makes sense for them.

Put yourself in the shoes of your customer and imagine you are them; would you prefer speed and efficiency or a slower but more in-depth service?

Would you prefer a 24/7 live chat on the website? Or would you be happy to use business hours only? These are important questions and you need to see the answers from their perspective.


Make Your Own Judgement Calls

Your customer service team isn’t just blessed with the training that you give them, they should also be able to use a healthy dose of their own common sense.

Sure there’s always a script to follow in call centers so that your customers get consistent service. And your staff needs to absolutely follow that script to the letter.

However, there is an argument for common sense and you should allow your customer service team to bend the rules and show empathy to a customer where needed.

This “above and beyond” approach always makes the customers very happy and that’s what is most important!


Be Transparent

It’s the reality when it comes to business that you won’t always be able to accommodate every single request as made by the customer. If you cannot deliver exactly what a customer wants, due to your own limitations, always offer honesty.

Another reason that you may not be able to give the customer exactly what he wants is due to policies that can’t be changed. Customers want to feel heard and it’s important that they know if their request cannot be granted, you still feel for them and their situation.


The customers you have for your business will always stay loyal if you show them that you are loyal to them, too.


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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