5 In Blogging For Your Business/ Small Biz & Startup Tips

How To Start Your Own Business From Scratch

Last Updated on October 23, 2020 by Jessica Adams

Going “solo” in the business world might sound like a huge challenge but it’s one that’s becoming increasingly popular among online entrepreneurs. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mother (or father!), commonly referred to as a “Mompreneur” or a working professional, the benefits of becoming a “Solopreneur” are overwhelming. And these days, you too can start your own business!

The tools and resources available for freelancers are constantly improving in the world of the Internet, in which we reside. You don’t have to knock on the doors of your neighbors and hand out business cards if you want to start freelancing.

Whatever your profession or the type of service you want to offer, you can do so from the comfort of your own home. All you need is a computer, WiFi access, and the determination to build an empire. If all goes well, you could even quit your day job!

Perhaps you have dreams of one day expanding your business into an organization run by a full team with a “proper” office, while you sit at the helm? Maybe it’s your dream to simply maintain a completely “solo” operation, one that you can literally call your own

Whatever the case, every aspiring entrepreneur starts out in the same place. Your first goal is to turn your idea into reality. You need to start finding clients and building a name for yourself. Every business needs a brand, after all.

Perhaps you know what you want to sell, but you’re not sure how to begin when it comes to organizing a business and marketing a brand. That’s where this article comes into the equation. The following advice is meant to guide you with the necessary inspiration, to start your very own business from scratch!


How To Start Your Own

Business From Scratch




Create a Solid Business Plan

First of all, every great business needs a solid plan and all “biz beginners” need to truly hear this if you want to become a full-fledged Entrepreneur.

You might have a fantastic idea and the professional talent necessary to sell that idea to consumers but your business will struggle if you don’t get yourself organized.

You need to have goals for the business and a planned route for reaching those goals. This is one of my biggest pieces of advice when getting started with your blog or online business, that you need to have a Business Plan. 

A strong and structured plan will help to make get you and your business organized and you’ll feel more confident about moving forward with everything.


Prepare to Invest in Your Business

Don’t dismiss this piece of advice. If you want your new business to succeed then you need to listen up. There’s fierce competition in every industry but it’s incredibly hard to stand out in such a saturated market as having a blog or online business.

Soloprenuers really need to make an impact when they’re competing with big brands run by entire teams. However, having the courage to take risks and rise above the competition can really help you get ahead of the competition. 

There are invoices in a pile next to a calculator that someone is using but we only see their handThink about any costs you’ll accrue (e.g. hosting/building a website, creating a physical product, marketing that product, etc). Consider the amount of time and the cost associated with it, that you’ll need to invest in your company.

You might even want to consider outside funding, such as a business loan. At the end of the day, you need to spend money to make money. You’ll see huge growth in sales when you put money towards the growth of your business. 


Focus on Digital Marketing Strategies

As a one-woman business, it’s crucial that you find an easy way to get the word out about your brand. You don’t have a full marketing team working for you and you probably don’t have the money or resources for a major advertising & marketing campaign.

It’s crucial that you cultivate a strong online presence since that’s how ‘solopreneurs’ tend to network and reach potential clients. A great thing about marketing today is that you don’t need a lot or in some cases, any money, to advertise your brand effectively.

Don’t Forget to Optimize for SEO

By ensuring that your website’s content is optimized for SEO and by using social media to promote the products and services you offer, you’ll be getting your brand in front of people for little to no money at all!

Feminine desk layout with laptop, gold lamp, pink roses and a framed quoteIt’s so important then, to have a professionally-designed website with a responsive layout. Not only will this drive more traffic to your website but you should see a big conversion of that traffic into sales if your site is well-designed and captivating. 

If you want to go that extra mile beyond web design and SEO, you check out sites such as svitla.com to seek professional software experts. They can further optimize the front or back end of your website with more advanced HTML/CSS (coding) options!  


Create a Brand For (Your) People

Single cup of coffee in front of (you), across from a woman with her coffee. You're having coffee "together".Your advantage over the big corporate brands is the fact that you aren’t a big corporate brand. As a person who communicates directly with clients, this allows you to foster closer relationships with every one of your customers.

In fact, that type of personal attention could be a part of your brand experience. As mentioned over at investopedia.com, “A successful business is one that prioritizes great customer service. There’s no better way to serve your customers than to connect with them on a human level”.

You could offer discounts and deals to your most loyal clients in a “thank you” email or directly, through a social media posting. Make your brand as personal as you can, so that customers really connect with it (i.e., with YOU).

Branding Logistics

Tattooed graphic artist is at his laptop with digital pen, he is drawing branded typography for his businessBranding your business is more than choosing what your business colors, fonts, design elements & patterns are. It’s so so much more than creating a “mood board”, although those are all great ways to build your brand’s foundation.

When I say “create a brand for the people”, I’m implying that your brand as a solopreneur is YOU. Therefore, your style of writing content on your website, the “voice” and even the tone you use in your emails and social media posts are all a direct reflection of you, your brand.

The more relatable your brand is to your potential clients and customers, the easier it is for them to relate to you and to see right away that you are someone they want to buy from! They want to work with the person behind that amazing brand.


Now that we’ve covered the four main areas that one should know when preparing to start your own business, what are you waiting for?!


Jessica Rose Adams


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  • Reply
    September 12, 2024 at 11:03 am

    Hey people!!!


  • Reply
    September 25, 2022 at 4:32 am

    Thank you for this post :), I would like to try to start selling my cookies, and I hope it would be a success.

  • Reply
    March 30, 2020 at 9:16 pm

    This post was very informative and I would definitely be taking these tips with me when starting a business…

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    January 22, 2019 at 12:28 pm

    This was super helpful and definitely left some food for thought. It’s definitely helped me realize where my shortcomings are along with my strengths. Thanks for sharing this!

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      Jessica Adams
      January 22, 2019 at 12:37 pm

      I’m so happy that this post was helpful to you! And may I say, thank you for actually leaving a comment, which most people don’t seem to do much anymore on blog posts. You’ve made my day 🙂 Take care, Jessica

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