0 In Small Biz & Startup Tips

Is Now the Time for Your Company to Get Its Own Vehicles?

Have you considered that it may be time for your company to get its own vehicles? Company vehicles have always seemed extremely elusive, am I right? Only the most successful business owners with major corporations have company cars…

Well, this isn’t exactly the case. There are plenty of different ways that your small business can benefit from having its own company vehicle. Here are just a few types of vehicles that you might want to consider. We’ll also share some tips and tricks on how to find the right one for your company!


Is Now the Time

For Your Company to Get

Its Own Vehicles?


company vehicles


Company Trucks

Increasing numbers of small business owners are taking their companies online, into the realm of e-commerce. There are plenty of benefits that come along with making such a move. You offer consumers the convenience of online purchasing and you can offer lower prices due to decreased operating costs.

But when you operate online, you have a whole new set of responsibilities and potential worries. Instead of customers walking into your store themselves, then leaving from where they came, you now have to ship the products to the customers’ home.

Using standard services is fine for one-time products. But let’s say you’re stocking your online store with large quantities of goods and posting them every day. You may be better off coming up with your own shipping process. And this is where having your own truck for deliveries comes in handy.

It will allow you the means of transporting more stock to different locations. Trucks can only drive so far, of course, probably handling just the local deliveries. But it can also make a daily stop, directly to the airplane of a national carrier such as FedEx or UPS. Just getting your deliveries to that plane yourself is a huge help!

How to Choose a Truck

company vehiclesNow, trucks tend to be extremely expensive to buy brand new. This is fine if you are generating enough profit to fork out a lot of money. But most small business owners look to cut costs wherever they safely can, not add to the monthly bills!

If this sounds familiar, you might want to invest in a second-hand vehicle. Take a look through a current inventory of equipment at an auction house. Only bid on vehicles that are in good shape and meet your business’ needs and requirements.


Company Cars

Small business owners have a seemingly endless list of tasks that they have to take care of. However, commuting doesn’t tend to be one of them. Many small business owners work from home and the most commuting that you are likely to engage with is getting from your bed to your home office!

company to get its own vehiclesHowever, if it’s your goal, you’ll eventually grow and expand. In this case, you are likely to lease commercial property to operate from. And naturally, you’ll have to get to and from this place each day. While public transportation is always an option, driving your own company car to work and business lunches just say “professional”, where a bus or an Uber does not.

As your business further expands and develops, you will find that you need to complete a lot more work in the “field”. There will be business meetings and conferences to turn up to. You’ll also be expected at various exhibitions and trade shows where you will likely have to bring a lot of equipment. These are all excellent reasons that you should consider investing in company cars.

How to Choose a Car

Choosing the right company car to meet your needs can be a relatively difficult process. You want something that will allow you to turn up to meetings and events in a way that leaves a positive impression on those around you. But you don’t want to seem too flashy and careless with money.

company to get its own vehiclesYou should look for something with a fair amount of storage space, which will be of great use as you transport presentation equipment, file boxes filled with important papers, and anything else that you may need for your business. If possible, try to purchase a new vehicle. 

Purchases tend to have a lower monthly payment than your average lease. You will also have a warranty for at least 3 years and you can always purchase an extended warranty after that. Not only could it save you money, but it means your vehicle is less likely to break down and you are less likely to turn up late to important events.


Branding Your Company Vehicles

company to get its own vehiclesWhatever vehicle you choose to invest in, you need to remember that it can pose as an effective means of advertising at the same time it gets you from one place to another.

Just think of how many people your vehicle will pass on a daily basis, when driving and while it is parked in a public place. Have your company’s name or logo added to your vehicle’s exterior.

If you want to take things one step further, you could definitely benefit from adding your professional phone number or business email address to the design. This will allow people to get in touch with you to use the services that you are providing. This should, of course, be professionally done for a clean, stellar finish.


Sure, you may not need company vehicles when you first start out in business. But it really is worth considering, once you begin to establish yourself and expand your business. Hopefully, the above information will help you to choose the right vehicles for your business’ needs!


Jessica Rose Adams

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