2 In Small Biz & Startup Tips/ Time Management for Busy Biz Mamas

How to Organize Your Freelancing Business

Being a freelancer can be challenging for many. If you’ve just started working from home after years in the corporate world, there’s a lot to get used to. The most important thing is learning how to organize your freelancing business.

There are plenty of things you will have to keep track of your time, clients, invoices, and your productivity. Not to mention staying on top of search engine optimization and your website ranking. Below you will find a few tips on how to best organize your freelance business.


How to Organize Your

Freelancing Business


Close-up shot of female hands at a laptop, typing away


Project Management Tools Are a Must!

organize your freelancing businessThe first thing you should choose in your freelancing business is project management software. Once you’ve chosen ‘the one‘ that you’ll use to keep your business and client list organized, you must master this program.

Whichever software program you decide to use, Evernote, Dropbox, Asana, or Basecamp – the list goes on! – will also allow you to work on multiple client accounts while managing your course launches and affiliate promotions with relative ease.

One way to figure out which software application the best for your business is to set up similar promotions and track the conversions using a particular project management tool.

Ultimately though, the best way to know which one works for you is to decide which feels most natural for you to use ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!


Systems Should Be Automated

Front face of a cell phone with social media icons Next, you want to avoid the mistake most make when they start freelancing and that’s failing to automate your systems. You don’t have time to spend half of your productive day on social media, re-posting, pinning everything you see. 

All of your social media channels are the absolute first systems that should be automated. Not only are they easy to set up, but there are also loads of social media marketing automation systems that run for free!

You’ll also want to automate your digital marketing and set up advanced, custom sales funnels for each revenue source you set up for your business.


Definitely Use the Pomodoro Technique

Woman checking her watch If you find it hard to focus on multiple clients, your own kids’ schedule/activities, and home life, you’ll want to give the Pomodoro technique a try. This will allow you to make the most out of your productive time and reward yourself with regular breaks allotted in 15-minute intervals.

It’s important for your business’ success and your own mental/physical health that you’re not tiring yourself out. There are many popular and even more under-the-radar websites that offer the Pomodoro Technique for absolutely free! Try the site at the link above to get started!


Create a Financial System For Choosing


Laptop with a 'stock market' looking graph on the screenTaking care of your finances is also crucial. You should have a simple accounting system to bill/keep track of time so you can work out whether or not a project, in particular, is worth your while, or if you should move on to the next best project available.

You can work out how long it takes you to complete each task, then, what your hourly wage would be. If it’s below the standard hourly rate that you charge for your time, chances are you need to improve your productivity. Either that or pass on the offer until you find one with better profits!


Being a freelancer means staying on top of your projects, clients, and most importantly, your time. Use the above methods to turn chaos into an organized business and make positive changes every day.


Jessica Rose Adams


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  • Reply
    June 29, 2021 at 4:36 pm

    Hi! informative article for freelancer to organize their businesses. Thank you for sharing from https://fvaconsultancy.com

    • Reply
      Jessica Adams
      July 9, 2021 at 2:09 pm

      Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for stopping by!

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