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5 Things To Spotlight When Starting a Business

Starting a business can certainly have its challenges. Then again, if you’re in it for the long haul and of course, for the right reasons, the challenges shouldn’t seem that extreme. If you have the passion and drive to succeed, you can create your own career path. As long as you know what to spotlight when starting a business.

I’m not exactly sure of another way to guarantee that you can navigate and ultimately choose when to do what, in your own career. Let’s take a look at five things to spotlight when starting a business, so you can launch with a bang!


5 Things To Spotlight When

Starting a Business




Start With An Idea That’s All Your Own

spotlight when starting a businessIf this one seems a bit obvious, it’s because it is. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met over the years who didn’t even realize that the first step in becoming an entrepreneur, is to have an idea for a business.

My advice is to choose something that you truly enjoy doing, not necessarily what everyone else loves to do. For example, many people make the mistake of choosing a business idea that a friend of theirs has.

But there’s a reason that your friend came up with what she did, she’s most likely passionate about it. Your business choice should be something you’ll enjoy working on because you’ll be spending the majority of your time doing so for the foreseeable future.

Figure out what product you can develop or a service that you’d like to offer. Think about your target audience and who you want to serve, day in and day out. Then ask yourself if you’d be happier in a physical office space or at home, running a business solely from your own website.


Find A Gap In The Market And Get Creative

spotlight when starting a businessYou’ve got your idea but does it fill a gap, a need in an existing market? This is a hard question to answer because if it does already exist, you need to consider what it is that you’ll offer and be ready to reinvent the wheel to drive sales away from existing competition.

Depending on how well established your competition is and whether they came up with a better or at least a totally different angle from their competition, you’ll likely struggle until you can surpass your competition.

If a gap doesn’t exist in the target market you’re after, that’s great too! But that means even more work to figure out how to fill the gap. Then you’ve got to convince your target audience that they need (and want) your products and services, in this brand new ‘gap’.

This can be tricky because it’s hard enough to take people away from a person or product that they already enjoy. It’s a completely different thing to have to convince people that they want or need something they’ve never even heard of! But it’s been done before…


Invest All the Money You Can or Go Find Some

Investing money is important because, without it, a business isn’t really going to get that far. If you don’t have the money yourself to invest the funds, then you can try a number of options.

The first and more common is taking out a business loan with your local bank. The next choice would be to find investors who are going to make your dream a reality.

spotlight when starting a businessEver heard of ‘Angel Investors’? In a nutshell, they’re very rich people who have way too much money but truly want to invest in certain types of businesses or causes.

You could attend networking events or conferences where all kinds of investors are likely to be. Finally, you could pitch your idea on a GoFundMe page or start a Kickstarter campaign to raise the money yourself.


Don’t Rush To Start Hiring

spotlight when starting a businessWhen starting a business the last thing you want to do is make any unnecessary expenditures, and that starts with hiring any staff. You want to try and avoid this until you actually need it.

You’re likely to surprise yourself with just how much you’re able to take on yourself. Hire someone when you’re literally not getting more than 4 hours of sleep a night or the workload has become too much.

Another time that would make sense to hire help would be if you didn’t have the relevant skills required to take your business to the next level.

For example, if you plan to expand into a new market and need some expertise in that area, you should definitely hire an expert. Or if you lack the necessary digital skills to up-level your website for this expansion, https://integrateditsolutions.com/ would be a great company to use.


Dream Big But Stay In Your Lane

spotlight when starting a businessNobody successfully got to where they were by not taking risks or dreaming big. It is so important for a business to have these big dreams, even if they don’t seem achievable. Setting a range of small, more attainable goals will help motivate you to succeed.

And when it comes to the competition, it’s useful to know who/what’s out there and what you can do to stay ahead of them. Don’t ever copy or steal! But there’s nothing wrong with learning from the competition… look to their example and find a new and different way to approach the same thing.


Running a business is no easy feat, but with the right knowledge and careful planning, you can drive your idea right into a successful business venture.


Jessica Rose Adams

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