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How To Troubleshoot Low Sale Numbers In Your Business

Last Updated on December 17, 2018 by Jessica Adams

Are you having trouble with low sale numbers in your business? Ultimately, low sales mean your business isn’t seeing the level of profit or customer interest that it needs to become a success.

You might even find that your brand isn’t gaining much traction and that issue definitely needs to be addressed right away. At this point, it looks like it won’t be long before your business is forgotten.

All those customers that you desperately need to buy your products or services, and those clients who you need to want to sign on the dotted line. What will make them return (or join the party at all?)

Let’s take a look at some common issues that could be causing low sale numbers and fix them right away!


How To Troubleshoot Low

Sale Numbers In Your



low sale numbers


Your Customers Aren’t Getting the Answers They Need

low sale numbersIt could very much be a possibility that customers aren’t buying from you because they can’t find the answers to any/all questions that they have? Customers want to know everything about a product before spending their hard-earned money on it. 

As a business owner, you should anticipate this before a potential customer ever visits your shop. You should have an FAQ section on your website that directly addresses, pretty much every question that you can expect a customer would have about your products and services. 

Statistically, you have about eight seconds for a user to come to your site and decide if they’re going to stay or go. If they have to look too hard for information or wait for slow page speeds, they’ll check out your competition instead.

All of this relates to your business website’s structure, which is incredibly important for SEO and has a significant impact on the user experience of your visitors. A customer should never be more than ‘three clicks away from what they are looking for’ in your business. 


Sales Team Not Trained?

low sale numbersIt’s also just as plausible that the issue lies with your sales team and their lack of training. By viewing sales training videos, your sales team can gain the information they need to make your marketing funnel more efficient and convert those first-time or returning users.

The benefit of showing your team a video like this is that it’s cheaper and will yield faster results than if you sent them away on a training course. It can even be viewed throughout the workday during each team member’s break.

Continue to offer easy access to content that can be used to improve sales and it will be one of the best investments you ever made!


Poor Website Performance

low sale numbersAnother possibility about why you may be seeing low sales numbers is that it’s something to do with your website’s performance. This could mean anything from the site being too slow upon loading or difficult to navigate and will immediately turn buyers off.

Often, these issues are easy to fix and it’s just a matter of diagnosing the problem. The site speed issue can be fixed by running any number of plugins to help reduce image/file sizes or a general performance plugin that often empties all cache files from your database.

If you want to get a look at which specific pages are being affected by a site speed issue or that have navigability problems, Google analytics is the absolute way to go. It’s a free software from Google allowing you real-time data analytics about your website.

There is a plugin for this software program that you should download to your site. Afterward, you’ll follow the instructions on how to connect your website to the Google account of your choice and voilà!


Cutting the Wrong Corners

low sale numbersFinally, you might find that the problem is to do with your budget. It’s possible that you’ve been cutting costs on your marketing budget, not understanding the full effect. For instance, all business websites need content, usually in the form a blog post (which is what you’re reading now!).

Most business owners write their own content and some invite guest posts from other bloggers. Another way that bloggers can get content for their site that doesn’t have time to write themselves is through sponsored posts. This is also a popular choice for link building in SEO best practices.

Unfortunately, many “content for hire” companies produce low-quality content. While this would be a cheap option for your reduced marketing budget, poor content could easily damage your business’ reputation. And that would definitely impact the ability of your site to generate sales.



Jessica Rose Adams

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