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Four Vital Areas of Your Business You Need to Focus In 2019

Last Updated on December 17, 2018 by Jessica Adams

Are you an entrepreneur, wondering which areas of your business you need to focus in 2019? If so, I’ll confirm that there are at least four crucial areas that stand out to me for the year ahead.

Running a business will never be the easy option. Sure there are many benefits to having your own business, but the reality is that you are never truly “off the clock”.

When you are an employee of a company, the day will end at the same time every day. You can walk away from your position, knowing that you have done your job and can choose not to think of work at all until the next morning.

But as a business owner, the “wheels are always turning”… you’re always looking for the next step to take and ultimately, hoping that you will reach that pivotal goal you will have set yourself.

As we prepare to say goodbye to 2018, we can look back on the things we’ve done that worked and, on things that were an epic fail. And as we make plans for the next twelve months ahead, here are four vital areas of your business you need to focus in 2019.


Four Vital Areas of Your

Business You Need to

Focus In 2019


focus in 2019


Cash Flow

focus in 2019The cash flow in your business can often be something you don’t think about. But yet it is the one plate that needs to be kept spinning to keep your business running. You need to keep the business finances in the black so that you can continue to act and invest in your company.

So this is when you need to keep handling things. You can make still make sure to get paid on time when using a website like BCashflow Positive to help keep your business running smoothly.

They can pay your finances so that you can get the money back. Without waiting for those companies to pay you directly. It can be a great way to keep your cash flow in check this next year.


Your Marketing Strategy

focus in 2019Marketing is such an important part of your business. There shouldn’t be any surprise that you may want to focus on this area to move your business forward. One way to do it would be to focus on your digital presence, and using social media to your advantage.

More businesses are looking at the content they produce and trying to work out ways to make it more engaging. Giving a “behind the scenes” look is one great way to do this. It allows your audience to watch you in your own office, where the creative juices usually start to flow. 

You may even want to show a certain process that happens at your company. For example, if you owned Starbucks (hello Howard Schultz!), it would be interesting to walk a social media audience through the process that each coffee bean must go through, from cocoa plant to coffee cup!


Your Brand

Branding is such a big element of your business and it is also the most recognizable aspect of it. From the tone of your voice when you write to the font and colors that you choose for your marketing materials, if you are your company, you are your brand. Along with your characteristics and personality that you share with your customers. 

focus in 2019It’s important to look closely every once in a while, at how your brand is perceived by others. Ask for some feedback from loyal customers, speak candidly to brand new customers.

See if there are any changes that can be made to make your brand more appealing to the mass market. But if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! This is a very specific and serious rule in branding, consistency above all else.

If you need to take your brand in a new direction then you must. But there’s no need to rock the boat when it comes to what’s constant, still working for your customers and audience alike.

Your Customer Base

focus in 2019Finally, your customers are the most important aspect of your business. After all, they are what keeps your business in business. If your business functions solely online, chances are, you’ve never met your customers in person. But why not place a little emphasis on your local customers?

Every business has an address, somewhere that you run your website and/or online shop, locally. Many people are looking to support small and local businesses, and this can be a great way for you to try and increase your sales while becoming more known in your community as your industry expert.


I sincerely hope that by focusing on these four areas, you and your business will shine in 2019!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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