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7 Ways To Make Your Brand Event a Roaring Success

Last Updated on December 13, 2018 by Jessica Adams

If you have never attended a brand event or if you’re a seasoned pro, making your brand stand out amidst a noisy event (let alone, a noisy industry) can be an extremely difficult task. And with many brand events taking place around the world each day, it can be hard for even the best brands to know how to stand out.

What would truly make a brand event attendee leave satisfied and impressed? Maybe it’s the digital media presentation you put together or the fun competitions you held throughout the entire day! Ok, let’s face it… it could be the swag bag!

While it won’t be completely universal for every industry, there are lots of things that you can do to make sure your brand event is not only a success, but something people still talk about for years to come.


7 Ways To Make Your Brand

Event a Roaring Success


brand event


Make It Interactive

brand eventGone are the days of people attending events to listen to people talking at them. People these days want to leave an event having been fully immersed in whatever the events’ theme.

Making your brand event as interactive as possible is vital. You could include a digital media presentation or step it up a notch and show of your brand’s best qualities in a virtual reality. You’ll also never go wrong with a good ole’ fashion pamphlet of info but don’t forget to add LOTS of visual content.

Also, throughout the entire event, you could and should switch it up a bit! Try holding workshops that allow people to literally interact with your brand and what it has to offer. An interactive event is sure to be a roaring success.


Incorporate Social Media

There are so many ways you can make your event social, but ensuring you do this correctly is how you achieve event success and stand out.

brand eventShow Twitter walls around the room, create an event hashtag, and encourage people to share selfies on Instagram to win a prize. Whatever you can do to get people creating a buzz on social media AT the event itself will make everyone who isn’t attending, feel as though they’re missing out.

Also, ask people who you can tell really understand your brand, to start a live stream on whichever platform they choose. The reach that everyday people have on social media these days is incredible!


Have Well Designed Stands

brand eventIf you’re hosting an event that requires people to have their own stand, then make sure you set design requirements that fit in with your brand and the event. The people that you invite to show at your event are representing your brand, so you want to make sure that they’re sharing content that aligns with your brands’ values. 

If you’re attending an event where you have to create your own stand, make sure you do everything you can to make it stand out. From consistent branding to stunning imagery, you want people to stop and talk to you as they walk by. For some incredible brand event stand inspiration, check eventdisplay.com.au out.


Offer SWAG Bags

brand eventAlthough this may not be one of the cheapest ways to make your brand event stand out, offering a swag bag is pretty much the norm these days. Giving away swag bags is a great way to generate buzz at the event.

In fact, to be honest, when it comes to brand events, swag bags are one of the main reasons people attend. Putting some thought into what you’re going to offer is definitely important. Your swag bag and its contents should also align with your brands’ values.

You also don’t want to break the bank or that will defeat the purpose. For ideas on what to include in your swag bags, you can check out this handy guide on event goody bags here.


Include Some Type of Refreshments For Attendees

brand eventIf your event is going to be longer than a couple of hours, you’ll need to consider whether you’re going to give food and drinks for your guests. Even if the event is only two hours, attendees will most likely expect to be greeted with a welcome drink.

Perhaps you might want to offer a signature cocktail with a “brand-oriented” name. This could also become something else that gets hashtag for the night! Oh and, keep it classy… offer a non-alcoholic alternative (with ITS own hashtag!) for those who don’t drink.

Who knows, by the next day your brand can suddenly become synonymous with respect and equality. There are much worse things to be known for or aligned with!


Make Sure You Have Some Background Music Playing

brand eventThere is nothing worse than an event without any music. When people are struggling to network in a room with no music, it’s one of the most awkward scenes ever. Having a bit of background music can relax people and get them talking, making that nerve-wracking first conversation seem all that much easier. Once everyone has had a few drinks and gotten to know each other, they’ll barely notice the music but will be thankful it was there, to begin with.


Give People A Chance To Network

brand eventWhile having a jam-packed schedule for your event is great, it’s a good idea to give the people regular breaks, also allowing people to network more with one another. If you have a busy day planned then people may not get a chance to talk to each other often.

Most of the things people remember most about a brand event are the people you meet… and hopefully, the brand! Give people a chance to mingle and talk. Maybe they’ll mention you, your brand, the event… and you never know where that conversation may lead!


Are you hosting a brand event soon? Let me know in the comment section if you use any of these tips and if so, how well they worked for you. Best of luck!


Jessica Rose Adams

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