0 In Our "Mini-Post Series" by Guest Writers/ Small Biz & Startup Tips

How to Create a Stunning Website Without the Stress

If you are an entrepreneur, chances are that you have created or are going to create a stunning website for your business venture. A website can help you take your business to the next level and it can also help to give you a ton of networking opportunities.

If you have ever tried to create your own website from scratch, you probably know that it’s not as easy as some of the folks on Pinterest make it out to be.

But if you are still thinking of creating a site, you would do best to get some help from a professional, at least with the foundation. As for the rest of it, here are some tips to create a stunning website without the stress!


How to Create a Stunning

Website Without The Stress




Check Out Your Competition

create a stunning websiteYour competitors will have done a lot of the work for you already, so you should use this fact to your advantage by checking out their websites before you even get started. What so do you like about their site? What makes you want to buy from them, work with them or return to their site for more content?

You should write out all the amazing features you see so that you can incorporate them into your own site. For the record, this isn’t copying. You know the saying “copying is the greatest form of flattery”, right? Think of this in the same way…

There is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from another person’s website who happens to be in your niche. As long as you give your website a look and feel all it’s own, you won’t step on any toes or make any unwanted waves within your niche or industry.


Build & Design Your Website

Now it’s time for you to have some fun. You could pay someone to design your site for you but you want to make sure that your input is a part of the design process, so speak up! Hiring a professional is actually a great way to go, especially if you’re design-challenged.

create a stunning websiteAnother popular choice these days, is to try one of the many website templates out there. A lot of them give you the chance to design nearly every bit of your website yourself. This option is obviously better for the more creative types but you don’t have to be advanced when working with templates.

Either way, before you delve into the design, you should take notes on everything you want to see and to convey on your website. You can then prioritize your pages and plan out your design, with your designer or work on a template. This will save you a ton of time and effort.


Add Lots of Great Content

When you have the design down, you then need to fill your site with great content. It helps to have content that will really turn your site into something special, but you also need to grab your reader’s attention as well.

create a stunning websiteWhen writing your content, you need to make sure that it is going to benefit your users. You also have to make sure that it answers your reader’s questions. If you are able to do this, then there is no reason your site won’t be great overall. If you want to take things to that next level then you might want to learn more at ppcnerd.com.

Creating any old content and throwing it up on your website isn’t going to do you any favors. If your content is intentional and is part of the bigger picture of your business, you’ve written the right content. 


Don’t Forget Your Call-to-Action

create a stunning websiteIf your site doesn’t have a call to action then you can’t expect to see many results from it. Think of the reason why you created the site in the first place, and then incorporate this into the design.

For example, if you want people to contact you then have your contact information on a banner across the top of the site. If you want people to buy your product then have your deals and discounts on a really obvious page of the site, advertising on the front/main page.

When you do this, you can really encourage people to take the action you want. This will also help you make your site incredibly effective, so you won’t have any problems when the time comes for you to launch it.


Jessica Rose Adams

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