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What Makes Your Office More Than a Workspace?

Last Updated on November 22, 2018 by Jessica Adams

What makes your office more than a workspace? While a standard office may primarily be a space for work that’s definitely not all it is. If it were, you’d simply fill it with the necessary instruments needed to get only work things done and that would be it.

But it isn’t: we take time to make sure that our offices are places that we want to be. Of course, this is in our best interest, considering how much time the average person will spend in their office over their lifetime! We aim to create a pleasant, comfortable, even ‘chic’ space.

We do this for two reasons: first, people work better when they like and are comfortable in their surroundings. Second, there’s more to business than simply making money! You want a place that you can proudly share with your clients, co-workers, and family when they visit.

Below, we’ll take a look at five ideas for creating an office that offers more than just a place to work.


What Makes Your Office

More Than a Workspace?



more than a workspace


Be Creative

more than a workspaceEvery business, in fact, everything has a creative element. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, even the money crunchers use their innate creativity. But the question I want to ask specifically is, how conducive to creativity is your office environment?

If you currently boast a bland desk, basic office chair and maybe one or two more plastic chairs across from you, then the answer is, ‘not very creative’. Fortunately, this is really easy to fix up and, loads of fun!

Start with the walls: there’s no reason to just have beige walls. Bring on the color! It’ll get the creative juices flowing. I recommend bright hues of your favorite colors. Remember, this space should be a reflection of you in your ‘happy place’!


Set the Tone

It’s much more enjoyable to work in a comfortable atmosphere that reminds you a bit of your personal life. I don’t know about you but when I think about creating a professional yet cozy atmosphere, I’m really big on textures.

For me, I see an extremely comfortable wool throw draped onto an overstuffed chair, with a few small throw pillows surrounding the main accent pillow in front. The accent pillow has drawings of a variety more than a workspaceof lovely cactus and that just makes me happy because I’ve loved cacti since way before they became trendy!

A quick lighting change, preferably to a dead-on replica of your favorite lamp from when you were growing up (which now boasts a dimmer!) and the lighting is now far more tranquil than that bright fluorescent lighting most office buildings have.

Finally, your sense of smell deserves to be wooed as well. When I think of relaxing scents or aromas, you can take a look at https://aromatechsystems.com

I think of incense or another aroma, perhaps essential oils.


Add Some Greenery

It’s a wonder why more businesses don’t have plants in their offices? Not only are they beautiful accents for any office, but they also bring with them loads of other benefits and offer next to no drawbacks!

more than a workspaceSure, you do have to water them from time to time. But they boost the oxygen levels in the room and lift the mood of anyone who walks by one, which makes your employees more productive. It’s also much more pleasant to have a view of a plant as opposed to, well, essentially nothing but a boring wall.

Also, there are plenty of flowering plants for those of you who like flowers but don’t want to invest in fresh cuts every week. You could even have a cactus with flowering buds on it. They’re an excellent alternative to traditional flowers that only need as much watering as a cactus would!



more than a workspaceYour employees shouldn’t be spending their entire workday hiding out in their ‘sanctuary’ of an office. One of the greatest tools you have at your disposal is having your employees working together!

But they’ll only be able to do this if they have a space to work. So you might want to look into creating either a corner of a large room or assigning a small room just off of the main room where you congregate.

This is where your workers can get together and brainstorm but they will also give need an allotted time when they can do it. You never know what might come from the ‘coming together of two (or more) minds’!


Have Some Fun

Finally, take a look at how you can bring a little fun into your office environment. When everyone’s finished work for the day, there’s nothing better than being able to invite some of your co-workers back to your sweet office for an arcade game, some foosball, or maybe a little “Happy Hour” at your makeshift bar! 

There are, of course, lots of ways to have fun. It all depends on the culture of the company, the median age of the employees, and how many of you there are. One more important thing to remember about having “fun” at the office.

If you or one of your employees has a bar installed in their office, both she/he and you must be respectful and mindful of the consumption of alcohol. These days, there are literally millions of Americans in at least one 12-step program.

While alcoholics tend to remain anonymous, you should always ask if anyone would be offended if you served alcohol as a company. You also need to be aware of how each one of your employees is getting home after they’ve consumed alcohol on your premises.


Now that your office space has an incredibly inviting new look, lots of plants, and maybe a few games… everyone just might stay later… like through the weekend!


Jessica Rose Adams

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