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Are Female-Led Businesses Just More Compassionate?

Last Updated on November 19, 2018 by Jessica Adams

In business today, people are more focused on how they can reap any/all benefit or rewards. Of course, it’s understandable to have a desire to succeed. But you’ll notice, these are two very different wants/needs. It’s so important to keep an eye on what you want to achieve, but are we at risk of overlooking the most critical point? 

I’ll give you an example in the form of an old saying (that you shouldn’t quote me on!), “If, at the end of the day, you have your accolades but no one to share them with, what’s the point?” Female-led businesses tend to lead by example when it comes to being more compassionate overall, to their staff, clients, and fellow businesses. 

Is there some formula for when it comes to reminding us that the business world isn’t always cutthroat? How can we, especially as women, remember to lead with compassion?


Are Female-Led Businesses

Just More Compassionate?


female-led businesses


Having Empathy Is Just Good Business

One of the most important things to remember when running a business, as mentioned in the Design Thinking Process, is to have empathy. This means understanding others’ needs, specifically, like that female-led businessesof your clients or customers.

Sure, you’ll think about what they want/need from your company. But you should also consider they want in the “big picture”.

What goals do they hope to achieve? And more importantly, how can you and your business help to accomplish them?

Being able to engage with your client or customer (let’s say client from here on out) is a crucial tool in business. It allows you to learn where one’s desires for their business comes from.

And it will also remind you of why you got into this business. Your ability to find the common denominator between your own hopes and dreams, then those of your client, is a powerful thing.

Creating a Space of Equality

There are so many examples of workplace harassment, which has proven more likely to affect women over men. In your female-led business, you have a unique opportunity to create an environment that is female-led businessesinformed by your experience as a businesswoman. Don’t underestimate the importance of this opportunity.

You have the chance to create a tolerant, accepting, and compassionate work environment for your female employees.

And you can take this even further by helping to make sure that your employees feel heard, seen, and safe in your company.

It’s important to adopt a positive and inclusive attitude with your employees. You want your staff to feel equal and treating them like “VIP Staff” is one way of showing that. Many companies give employees bonuses based on annual profits while others offer shares in their business.

This could really create a work environment based on empathy and equality. And you’ll reap the benefits because if your employees want to come to work and they feel better, they’re more likely to help your company thrive.


Not Using Fear To Negotiate…Try Compassion Instead!

Most of us have been in a position where we’ve gone out for a job interview but were extremely nervous. Met by the terrifyingly blunt business person, who doesn’t exactly scream ‘compassionate’. 

Now as you enter the world of business, you have to ask yourself: do I want all of my meetings with people to be ruled by fear and anger, or empathy?

female-led businessesNot only is the former stressful for everybody that you meet, but it doesn’t exactly make people want to come back for a business meeting with you anytime soon.

Taking the time to ask somebody what they want and need, and how they feel, will really change the general mood within your meetings, and will put people at ease to tell you what they really want.

And that’s not to say that being firm is completely out of the question. There are times when being firm is necessary and you have to be strict about what you want.

But trying a bit of empathy could help your negotiations greatly. It will also mean that you take time to understand what people want and need from you, and what you want to gain from your conversation with them.

Taking off your ‘business-brain’ sometimes is worth it, especially if you want to get the best outcome. Doing this will help you to not only become a successful businesswoman but a respected one as well.


Understanding Others, And Others Will Understand You Too

While it’s important to be empathetic in the workplace, you don’t want to get so involved in other people’s feelings that you can’t function or progress in your business.

Empathize with your clients, but female-led businessesunderstand that you’re the one who makes the executive decisions based upon what is right for your company.

Likewise, make an effort to understand your employees, but make sure to emphasize that you’re the boss. Of course, it’s unlikely that anyone will exploit your empathy.

But if you’re too compassionate, you risk compromising your position among your employees and ultimately the success of your business.

Making an effort to understand the needs of others is worthwhile, but make sure that they’re taking the time to understand your needs, too. This is ultimately the foundation of a good business, especially if you want to help revolutionize how female-led businesses thrive!


If you’ve recently started a female-led business, you’ll want to make sure that you have important values at the forefront of your company motto. Working with empathy, which doesn’t ask much from you but will need you to see things in a different light, will be worth every effort. In the end, you’ll reap the benefits of your new approach to business (and life).


Jessica Rose Adams

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