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Are You Looking For “The One” In Business, To Spice Up Your Career?

Last Updated on November 13, 2018 by Jessica Adams

We’d all like to find “the one” in our romantic lives: that special person who will love us until the day we die and accept all our foibles. But how about finding “the one” in business? Many entrepreneurs would "the one" in businesslike to find their perfect match in business.

Whether it’s the ultimate partner to launch a new business with or a boss & assistant “super duo” who just read each others’ minds. I strongly believe that in business, “the one” is out there for everyone!

So how do we go about finding this elusive “one”? It’s not like we have Tinder for Business (hey, wait a minute…that’s my idea!) yet and I feel like speed dating during one’s lunch hour at work, would sort of defeat the purpose of what that activity is…

The following are a few tips on how to narrow your search for “the one” in business. Let’s a take a look!


Are You Looking For “The One”

In Business, To Spice Up

Your Career?


"the one" in business


Get Social With The People You Already Know

"the one" in businessThere aren’t many people who would agree to marry somebody, without first spending time with them in a social setting. A commitment like that takes getting to know someone in several situations. But businesses will often decide to hire somebody on the basis of an interview, without getting to know them properly first.

Entrepreneurs know that the character of the people they work with is just as important as what they offer on a technical level. They go to great lengths to get to know anyone they’re considering, letting in on their dream.

They’re also more likely to take a candidate to a social setting to see whether they’re a good fit for the company culture. A candidate can have all the technical skills in the world, but if their personal style doesn’t vibe with yours… You could have a recipe for disaster!


Know Where To Look For New Candidates

"the one" in businessMost companies need a broad range of skilled people to stay in operation. But, one could easily argue, it’s often hard to find people who have the skills you need. Technical, IT and data storage recruitment positions can be a challenge to fill because of the scarcity of these skills.

In this cases, it wouldn’t be ideal to advertise for one of these unique positions on a generic job website, like Indeed or Glassdoor. Instead, you should hire a recruiter who specializes in placing people with the skills you need.

This recruiter will help you find the right person using a pre-existing network of contacts. Tailored services are far more likely to help you find a good match.


Hire People Who Are Committed To Their Careers

"the one" in businessEntrepreneurs like to believe that the people who work for them are as committed to their work as they are. But the fact of the matter is that most employees aren’t. Almost always, they have other commitments in their life or are just not as enthusiastic about your dream as you are. 

Ideally, what you want to find, are people who are committed to their careers and financial success. Because if this employee or assistant is committed to their career, they wouldn’t likely complain about the work.

And if that is the case, it definitely shouldn’t matter whose dream they’re working towards, so long as they’re paid. You should also look for a track record of loyalty to various companies, and avoid those who seem to “job hop” often.


Only Hire Those With Excellent Learning Skills

"the one" in businessA candidate might look promising on paper with excellent experience and education. But unless they have well-developed learning skills, it’s unlikely that they will be able to adapt to the specific needs of your business.

Companies need people not only with a great background but who are also able to learn on the job and react to new customer requirements. Large companies test these skills when a candidate applies for any position. This is definitely a practice that your small business of one should adopt right away.



Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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