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How to Share Your Customers’ Success Stories The Right Way

Last Updated on November 2, 2018 by Jessica Adams

“I can’t wait to hear about the latest software and how it transformed peoples’ lives,” is a comment made by no one. It’s not about the company’s story, it’s all about your customer’s success stories. Everywhere you look, there are reviews, testimonials and case studies which outline this very fact. Selling a story is an art. Do it the wrong way, and no one will take any notice. And, if they do, they’ll get bored and stop watching. The key is to follow the right template and to mark off a checklist one by one. To help you do that, we’ve noted the main steps right here.


How to Share Your Customers’

Success Stories The Right Way


customers' success stories


Put a Spotlight On the Customer

Businesses are always on the lookout for new ways to raise awareness of their brand. In reality, this whole process is geared towards making the company look good and to widen its base.

Still, it’s vital not to make it seem as if it’s all about the organization. Consumers hate this because it’s not why they invest in testimonials, case studies, and reviews.

Put the spotlight on the customer by telling their story without any unnatural corporate messages or hidden agendas. An organic narrative is much easier for people to follow and like.


Break Down the Progression

customers' success storiesNo one wants to list the different steps because it takes away from the story. Spoon feeding the audience is a surefire way to annoy them as they’ll feel disrespected. However, they need to be able to understand the experience and take away a message. Otherwise, the tale of the customer is a waste of time.

The best way to do it without patronizing anybody is with a template. Make everyone aware of the story, but do it by beginning with the problem, then the solution, and end with the outcome. Don’t forget to set the scene.


Give Them Evidence

Before a consumer believes your rhetoric, they’re going to want proof. After all, it wouldn’t be the first or last time a business has lied to generate leads. The trick is to get the story on camera and involve the relevant parties. If you’re a technology expert and helped customers find IT consulting for businesses, ask them to be part of the advertisement.

The majority of customers are also glad to take part, even if they don’t get paid, because it’s their fifteen seconds of fame. Be sure to choose the best stories and to dedicate a chunk of the video to the “problems section” before the big “solution reveal”.


Make Sure It Feels Real

customers' success storiesNo one is going to invest in the story if there are aren’t any authentic emotions involved. The audience is going to want to relate, and they can’t do that if the story is heartless. Remember that this is a parable of how a nasty shock took them by surprise and you offered them a way out. Make sure it includes rawnessa genuine sense of happiness and relief, as well as gratitude towards the “fixer”.


You’re telling a “success” story, so the last thing you want is for it to be a dud!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams


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