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How To Keep In Touch When You’re Busy With Business

Last Updated on October 31, 2018 by Jessica Adams

Communication has always been a vital part of a business. Without this element, it would be impossible to foster relationships, make agreements, and get the bulk of your work done. The inability to keep in touch would have a negative impact on your ability to perform. In the modern world, people have more ways than ever before to keep in touch with one another, and this should make the process easier. To give you an idea of the many ways which are available to keep in touch, we’re going to explore your business communication options.


How To Keep In Touch When

You’re Busy With Business


keep in touch


Instant Messenger

Apps like WhatsApp, WeChat, and Messenger have taken the world by storm over the last few years. More people are using this sort of tool than ever before, connecting millions together in ways which never used to be possible. This is one of the only methods which you can rest assured that almost everyone will have access to, with loads of different applications coming with this feature.



keep in touchLike Instant Messenger, emails have also seen a tremendous amount of popularity since their advent. Unlike IMs, though, sending information like this is very secure, enabling you to send encrypted data which criminals won’t be able to get access to. To make this even better, this service is completely free, even if you’re a business, making it possible to send thousands of emails without footing a massive bill.


Voice Chat

Sometimes, being able to talk to someone directly is crucial to the work you have to do, but you won’t be near enough to them to have a reasonable conversation face to face. In this instance, VoIP solutions start to hold their own, with this sort of tool enabling you to host phone calls over the internet. This is better than talking on the phone, as it makes it easier to record your messages, while also making the whole process cheaper.


Social Media

keep in touchWebsites like Facebook and Instagram are impossible to live without in the modern world. Likewise, though, a lot of businesses struggle without their own social networks. With tools like Yammer, it’s now possible for everyone to keep in touch without having to have private conversations. Posts are much like those found on normal platforms, only you will have access to features like file sharing which will make business much easier.


Video Calls

Finally, as the last area to consider, it’s time to think about video calls, and the power they can have over conventional conversation methods. Being able to see someone’s face can be very powerful during a business meeting. Having a service like Skype ready for be used is a great idea when you do a lot of work with people far away from you, giving you the chance to use your usual tactics when it comes to sales.


With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of giving your business all the communication methods it needs to succeed. While this area is complex, there are loads of companies out there to help you, and you should be able to get talking in no time at all.


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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