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Lost Your Job? Could It Be A Blessing In Disguise?

Your dream job…you actually had it. Then, you didn’t. Of course, the last thing you want to do is think about it but could it be a blessing in disguise?

In the beginning, everything was amazing. Your boss clearly respected you and your co-workers, well, they envied you. But after a while, you began to outgrow this position that everyone, including you, thought was a ‘dream’.

What you once found challenging and dynamic soon became boring and pedestrian. And the very opportunities that seemed too many to count when you first started, seemed to go to the newer gals or just disappeared altogether. Then, the promotion you were a shoo-in for, went to the girl from accounting?

To add insult to injury, you didn’t even get the additional responsibilities you were promised. Eventually, you fell out of love with your job and yearned for something more, something greater, something that was more becoming of your talents and ingenuity. Then, out of nowhere came the news. They were letting you go! 

Suddenly the job that you were learning to “love to hate”, looked like a cherished dream that had been stolen from you! But while this feeling of panic upon losing your job is understandable, try not to be too downhearted. It could just be the best thing that ever happened to you!

I want to show you some ways in which you can turn the loss of your former “dream job” into the next chapter in your long, satisfying career. You see in life when one door closes, another one opens and usually to a better opportunity! This is what many people have come to know as a blessing in disguise


Lost Your Job? Could It Be

A Blessing In Disguise?


blessing in disguise



Do Not Start Looking For The Same Job! 

You’ve spent enough time in the same place. You supposed to move up the ladder, take the next step forward in that career. You definitely can’t start over at the same place you were months or even years ago! This should be your opportunity to start to shoot higher.

blessing in disguiseTake some time to re-evaluate your career goals. Could now be the time to take those first steps towards entrepreneurship or go back to school to gain new skills? Of course, you will still need to pay the bills, and by all means, fill the void with some temp work!

But don’t forget to use this time as an opportunity to rethink the direction of your career and by extension, your life. This blessing in disguise has finally revealed itself to you. It’s up to you now, to lift the veil from this blessing in your life, and reveal it to the world.


Take One of the Thousands of Online Courses

Knowledge will always be power, and it’s never too late to learn. Wherever your passions lie, there’s an online course out there that can take you to the next level in your career. We briefly discussed the option of going back to school, which nowadays is the norm to do completely online.

blessing in disguiseThere are also websites like Udemy.com, where you can find in-depth, actionable courses for as little as $10. Another option is something like Skillshare.com, where everyday people like you and I with a certain skill set, can create a course to teach through Skillshare’s self-taught platform. 

The beauty of online learning is that it’s more flexible and affordable than campus-based courses. They can also be made to fit around your part-time work schedule or parental commitments.


Psst…Blogging Isn’t Just a Hobby Anymore

Blogging used to be solely a creative outlet that kept people motivated with their writing as a hobby. Today, it’s one of the highest-paying jobs in the online job market! Blogging can be a very valuable revenue stream, especially once you’ve gained a significant following on your site and through social media.

There are so many ways in which you can monetize your blog without spamming your readers with just ads. Most bloggers find success in affiliate marketing, where programs specifically geared toward bloggers are prevalent.

Sites like Amazon give bloggers the opportunity to add links to products mentioned in their blog posts. These links direct readers to the actual product on Amazon’s website. If your reader clicks on the link to buy the product you mentioned in your post, you will get a percentage of that sale.

There are plenty of ways that you can monetize a blog without using affiliate marketing, such as developing products to sell or providing a service that you can make a sales page for, on your blog or website. With so many ways to make money while working from home and setting your own hours, WHY NOT?!


Start Your Own e-Commerce Business

blessing in disguiseDid you know that by 2020 e-commerce is expected to account for over 12% of all trade in the US? As we lean harder and harder into digital solutions, e-commerce will only continue to flourish. Now is the perfect time to establish your own e-commerce business.

The great thing about an e-Commerce business is that the startup costs are low, and there’s a wealth of information on how to succeed for free online. If you think that you have to set up your own online store from scratch to be successful in e-commerce check this out.

There are so many ways to make money selling items which are then, fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) for example. They handle the vast majority of the logistics, all you need to do is provide the product. 

Whether you go into business for yourself or launch that long-time dream biz with your best friend, there seem to be countless opportunities these days! You could create your own opportunities for yourself at a new startup or breathe new life into an otherwise stuffy business that’s been around for over a hundred years! Either way, do you now see how this whole experience could be a blessing in disguise?

Jessica Rose Adams

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