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How to Deal With Debt While Operating a Small Business

Last Updated on October 24, 2018 by Jessica Adams

When you run a small business, it is highly likely that you’ll borrow money at some point during the process of setting up or maintaining operations. This is because when you’re starting out, you aren’t yet generating money, but you need to spend to grow. If you don’t put any money into your business plan, product development, manufacturing, and advertising, you’ll never get anywhere. Once your business is finally off the ground, you may still experience lulls in profit. You might need to invest more focused money into areas that will boost interest and exposure while you get things on track. Here are a few tips about how to deal with debt while you’re still operating a small business.


How to Deal With Debt While

Operating a Small Business


how to deal with debt


How to Deal With Debt So That Your Business Has a Future

If you’re not financially savvy, you may find yourself experiencing money issues as time goes on. Very few business loans or credit cards come with interest rates lower than the double digits. In fact, most business or personal loans tend to have pretty steep interest rates attached. This means, of course, that you’ll find yourself paying back a much larger sum than you actually got to borrow. If you don’t understand APR financing before applying for a loan? Forget it! Trying to figure out how to deal with debt while operating a small business will seem beyond overwhelming.

how to deal with debtMoney has always been “the reason” for some level of stress in the business world. Even if you’re bringing your business out of the red and into the black, there are stops along the way to “absolute success” that is crucial for the longevity of your business. How does one deal with this? Head first, full transparency, excellent communication skills, a willingness to learn and humble oneself. Those are just the basics that you should already have in your arsenal, to try and attempt this harrowing feat.

Determine How Bad Your Situation Really Is

Many of us make the mistake of ignoring debt. We close our eyes to it and simply hope it will go away. But this is an illogical and unwise approach to take. After all, debts don’t just disappear. You will have to face up to them at some point or another and it’s much better to do this as soon as possible. The sooner you clear up your old debts, the sooner you’re free of very high-interest rates, fines, and fees. If you have already let things go too far and have debt up to your eyes, you should see a bankruptcy lawyer today. They will be able to decide whether your situation is able to be rectified or whether you are fighting a losing battle and would be better off declaring your business bankrupt.


Come Up With a Solid Plan

how to deal with debtIf you feel that you are in a place where you can clear your debts, you need to come up with a plan. A plan will see you create an end goal and will help you to determine how long it will take to clear your dues. Make sure to be realistic. Don’t convince yourself that you will be able to funnel every penny of your profits into clearing your debts. You will still have to support yourself and your business as you go along. If you are unsure of how to plan and budget, consult a professional financial advisor, who will be able to help you to come up with a plan of action. Then, stick to it! Don’t let yourself slip, don’t treat yourself, don’t be pulled into making unnecessary purchases. Focus on clearing your debts and then one day, they will eventually be gone!



Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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