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How to Break Through the Fear and Follow Through On Your Big Idea

You’d be hard-pressed to find somebody who didn’t dream of coming up with their own successful business one day. But in order to follow through on a big idea, one needs to break through the fear they have about that idea first! With the digital age, more and more people are realizing just how possible it is to become a success online, and almost everybody wants a piece of the pie!

Coming up with a business idea is one thing, but actually following through with it is the hard part. You could come up with a great business idea pretty easily by asking yourself a few simple questions, but people get scared to follow through with their ideas because they just can’t break through the fear of failure. Below are some pointers that should help you figure out how to do just that and follow through on your big idea. 


How To Break Through The

Fear And Follow Through

On Your Big Idea


follow through on your big idea


Get Into That Entrepreneurial Mindset

Getting into the ‘entrepreneurial mindset’ is essential in order to break through the fear that keeps you from following through! This is especially true if you’re going to keep your full-time job on the side. If you’re in the mindset of fear throughout your workday, that will be the mindset that you’re in when you get off work.

Think about everything that needs to be done to come up with a great idea. Then, as you’re leaving your day job, you step into your role as “entrepreneur”. Just keep those entrepreneurial wheels turning throughout the day and eventually that will be your mindset.

follow through on your big ideaIt’s also really important that you be open to hearing others’ feedback on your ideas, as you’re starting to come up with them. If you have a trusted mentor or friend in the business area of which you’re developing the idea, that would be great!

You could approach that person to mentor you through this initial phase of your starting a business – the idea phase. If not, it’s always good to ask friends and family for a mentor referral. You trust those people and they want what’s best for you, so the chances are they won’t steer you wrong.


Come Up With The Solution To A Problem

follow through on your big ideaComing up with a business idea is the first step. The easiest way you can do this is by coming up with the solution to a problem. What is a problem that you face daily?

What are the problems you know that your loved ones face daily? You should get into the habit of carrying a notebook with you wherever you go, so you can jot down ideas at a moment’s notice.

Even better, download a speech-to-text application onto your smartphone and you can literally talk out your ideas in your own voice, while they’re being transcribed in real-time. Eventually, you’ll have lists of ideas for various solutions to problems. The key is to be brave enough to move onto the next step, which is simply picking one of your ideas and rolling with it!


Break It Down Into Baby Steps

As with any big idea, you need to create an outline to help break it down into steps that you can turn into your game plan. For many people, the fear of failure is due to a person’s inability to imagine themselves achieving what they want.

One of the best ways I know of to help me jump in and just get started is by breaking everything down from the outline into ‘digestible’ bullet points, or, baby steps. Baby steps are the key to achieving absolutely anything. When you break down your objectives into little ‘micro goals’, everything seems so much easier on paper.


Fill In The Blanks With All the Details

follow through on your big ideaNow it’s time to come up with the details. You’ve just finished creating your outline and have broken it down into micro-goals that you can fearlessly achieve. But, it’s still not the time to try and put everything into a business plan just yet.

Create a summary of your outline that you can refer back to.  A business plan can come later when you’ve worked the logistics out and you know this is something you should follow through with. Then ask yourself these questions:

Where would you work? How would you create your website? Would you source stock/pre-developed products or would create your own? Would you automate your business with help from services like https://www.rnaautomation.com/?

What other vendors would you work with to help you execute your idea? By quickly writing down the details you’ll begin to fill in the blanks on your brain dump, which is a lot easier than it sounds. Because at this point, you just need to beef up the outline that you drafted.


Consistency Builds Momentum

Ah, consistency. If you want to build momentum around anything, it’s all about training yourself to be consistent with your end goal. In this case, you want to build momentum towards breaking through your fears of following through on your big idea.

In order to do this effectively, you need to consistently work on coming up with ideas and doing a brain dump. Then you want to outline the brain dump and breaking down your objective into micro-goals.

Finally, you want to fill in the blanks, beef up the idea summary, then… DO IT ALL AGAIN THE NEXT DAY. That is what being consistent is all about and that is what will help you build momentum towards your big idea.


Following through on your big idea is ultimately contingent upon whether you can break through the fear of failure you have about it. Try following every one of these tips (in this order) on mindset, problem-solving, baby steps, fill-in-the-blanks, and consistency.

Checking your mindset every day and having a system in place for you to express your thoughts the quickest and easiest way, are the two biggest systems I follow. Best of luck with kicking fear’s butt!


Jessica Rose Adams

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