0 In Define Your Brand/ Small Biz & Startup Tips

Maintaining a Professional Image When You Have a Business of One

Last Updated on December 20, 2019 by Jessica Adams

When you work for a company or an organization, it can almost seem easier to maintain a professional image. While under the umbrella of an established business, you have certain standards to live up to.

When it’s just you working in a business of one, the task of getting dressed up every morning can feel like a mammoth one. I mean, isn’t one of the reasons everyone wants to work from home, that we can all work in our pajamas?

It’s actually easier than you think to keep up a professional business image when it’s just you. You should still hold yourself to the same standards that your peers in professional offices are held to.

Take a look at the following advice to help you keep up with your professional image when you have a business of one.


Maintaining a

Professional Image

When You Have a

Business of One


a business of one


Brand Yourself the Way You Want to Be Recognized

Branding is a very important aspect for small businesses. Whether your business consists of one person or 5,000, branding helps to develop relationships and recognition among clients and peers.

It is especially important to “control the narrative” as they say, and brand your one-woman show to reflect just that. You should decide on the main elements of your “business of one”, such as your logo, fonts, and colors.

Start to develop the basics that you’d like to have representing your brand and work your way up from there. Use your branding in your email signatures, your invoices, and social media. You’ll want to give your business a look and a feeling, that people will come to recognize over time.


Dress For Work, When You’re Working

a business of oneDressing for success can really boost your confidence and make you feel like the strong, capable businesswoman that you are.

When it comes to meeting clients or attending events, it’s an absolute must that you actually wear a professional ensemble. I really hope I didn’t need to tell you that.

When you’re getting work done at the home office, it’s a bit different but you don’t want to roll out of bed and plop into your chair!

Try dressing like you’re going to an office and it’ll be amazing how much your productivity and focus will increase. Have fun with your wardrobe as a business of one and wear clothes that are classic yet cozy (does that really exist?) and makes you feel good on the inside too.


Make Your Home Office a Professional One

While a home office isn’t necessarily somewhere you’d bring potential clients, it’s still important not to leave your laundry where you can see it! In today’s digital age, it’s very common for meetings to take place via Zoom or Skype, over the Internet.

If you “dress up” your office area so that you have a separate area to take virtual conference calls, etc, you’ll be in great shape. In the meantime, at least get yourself a separate physical address at https://physicaladdress.com as you don’t want to give out your real home address.

a business of oneYour style may be more like working from the kitchen table than working from a home office. If so, you might want to consider renting a co-working space.

They’re a cost-effective alternative to renting an entire office space or working from home all the time.

This way you can work from when you want and get out of the house once in a while! You can also reserve conference rooms to meet your clients, instead of meeting them at a local Starbucks.

Also, if you plan to hire an assistant in the near future, you can easily bring he/she to your co-working space and get them a spot right across from you!


Behave Accordingly 

When you work for yourself or from home, you only have to answer to yourself. This can sometimes, inadvertently cause bad habits to form that you’d be better off steering clear of. Like starting the workday whenever you get up, answering emails all day/throughout the day, etc. 

Putting off tasks is another bad habit that’s easy to start but you can easily cure yourself of this habit by following a daily schedule. One of the secrets of successful businesswomen is that they know how to manage their time. Start planning out your working day to help you make the most of your time and get the job done.


Whatever your business, maintaining a “professional” image is important. To succeed in your industry you’ll need to not only look the part but play it too. Focus on boosting your professional image now and enjoy the success that follows.


Jessica Rose Adams



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