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How to Create a Home Office That Will Inspire & Relax You

Last Updated on June 6, 2018 by Jessica Adams

Working from home can be a blessing for most but usually comes with a few underlying issues. One of the most challenging aspects of working from home is getting your home office or creative space just right. If you don’t create a space that allows for optimum focus, your home-life balance can become out of whack. It’s hard to switch in and out of “work mode” when the rest of your home looks and feels like your work space. You must create an office that includes elements which will inspire and energize your creativity. Bold hues of color, lots of plants, maybe an art piece that inspires you. Here are a few tips on how to create a home office that will inspire and relax you while working. 


How to Create a Home Office

That Will Inspire & Relax You



Get Psychological With It…and Relax!

Adding color to a room can make a huge difference. Depending on the kind of work you do and the workplace you want to create, different colors can have different effects. Light blues and greens have been shown to have a relaxing effect, helping you stay calm throughout your work day. On the other hand, bright yellows, oranges and other warm colors, such as reds, can help energize you! They’re also in alignment with passion (any shade of red), which are perfect for those with creative jobs at home.


Add Some Greenery to Your Scenery

Plants have been used as decor in offices throughout the world, so you’re not going to be making your space any less professional by adding a little bit of green. In fact, plants have been an interior design staple for as long as I can remember! They also work as hard as you do, cleaning and filtering the air. Plants provide fresh air to inhale deeply and office plants have been proven to help you de-stress as a result. Of course, the de-stress factor will allow you to better cope with the craziness of your work day, so, bonus points!

Not only can plants provide a pop of color around your home office, they can also help make a room look bigger and taller. The most popular trick for added height is to get hanging plants, usually from a basket suspended from the ceiling. Another great height trick with plants is to place one on top of a bookshelf and let the long “legs” of the plant (usually vines) trickle down the side of your shelf.


A Little Comfort Goes a Long Way

If your office furniture isn’t properly supporting you, you’ll be surprised how little work you manage to get done. Invest in furniture that is made to help you avoid injuries at a “desk job”. Furniture that is focused on giving you the comfort that you deserve. For example, an ergonomic chair will adjust to the height of your computer and is one way to avoid neck pain. Another way to make sure you’re comfortable is by choosing a desk that will adjust to you whether you’re sitting or standing. An adjustable sitting & standing desk will put you at an even height with your computer at all times. It will also allow you to stand up for the recommended half of your workday (sitting for long periods of time is actually dangerous!). 


How to Create a Home Office That Will Inspire

Bare walls are the bane of the soul or they’re your “tabula rasa”, it’s totally up to you! If bare walls give you the feeling that something’s missing, a coat of paint or some wall art can be the perfect solution. Perhaps you want to make sure you have something you can look to when you need a little inspiration or motivation. Framed motivational quotes, written in stunning calligraphy, have become popular in recent years. Some people frame quotes that serve as a mantra in times of needed encouragement. You could also choose images that speak directly to your sense of engagement. These can be photographs or paintings, either way, making a huge difference in your day.


Give Your Company Some Company

Believe it or not, it has been suggested that pets are even better for improving your mood while you work than house plants! Now before you go thinking about whether you can handle as big a commitment as a pet, let’s talk about pet types. I’m not suggesting that you go out and buy a dog or cat for the sole purpose of looking cute at the office! Consider a something that will give your office both visual flair and help to improve your overall mentality without being too distracting. Have you come up with an aquarium yet?

Investing in a tropical fish or fertilizer tank, with the right lighting, can give your office a perfect visual attraction. Thankfully, fish are nowhere near as demanding or distracting as mammals or birds and their entire habitat is beautiful. The right sized tank of gorgeous, colorful fish, can become a living work of art. 


Your home office gives you the perfect balance between your own personal space and a professional work environment. Make sure you maintain that balance by adding a dash of inspiration and a pinch of anything that promotes relaxation….and you’re set!


How about you, do you have your own home office? What are some ways that you differentiate the space from the rest of your house? Also, have you done anything in particular, to maximize inspiration and relaxation? Please let us know in the comments below!


Jessica Rose Adams

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