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Everything You Need to Get Sorted Before Launching Your Store

Last Updated on May 26, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Running a brick and mortar store can be especially tough in today’s society when most everything is available online. If you do launch a physical shop, you can totally make it work if you know what you’re doing. The first thing that you need to do, after setting up all the business aspects, of course, is to get your store set up and staffed. You’ll need to make a list to get your store ready to open to the public; from furniture to equipment, stock, and decor. You can create a long list of stuff that you need, but there are essential items and matters that need to get sorted before launching your store. 


Everything You Need to Get Sorted

Before Launching Your Store


get sorted before launching your store


Inventory (or stock)

Of course, you need products and goods to sell in your store. The question is how much inventory do you need exactly? Buying enough stock without buying too much can be tough, especially in the beginning. You don’t want to end up spending too much but it would also be a disaster if you ended up with empty shelves. It’s better to have a little too much stock than not enough. You could always mark down remaining stock that you want to get rid of if it’s slow to sell. But you need to be mindful of how much storage space you have and be realistic about how quickly things will sell.


Furniture and Display Items

get sorted before launching your storeYou’re also going to need somewhere to display all of your products. You need to consider practical shelving and tables so that you can put out enough options for your customers. But you should also consider furniture and display items that will be as easy as possible for your staff to restock. You will also want to think about how you’re going to display your products and plan to do so in an attractive way. Visit https://my-mannequins.co.uk/ to make sure you have all the mannequins you need if you’re opening a clothing store. You may use various display stands, tables, shelves and more to make sure your store and your products look good.


Point of Sale Tech and Shop Equipment

You’ll need to make sure that you have the proper equipment needed to price and sell your goods. Of course, you need a cash register so you can take people’s money and ring up sales. You might also consider items such as card readers and even mobile payment systems. Other equipment you might consider includes pricing or scanning ‘guns’, a label or sticker maker and other items for marking all the necessary info you’ll need to have on your products. Tools for putting on and taking off security tags are also a good idea if you want to protect your inventory from theft.


get sorted before launching your storeLights and Decor

Finally, you don’t want to forget about making your store look welcoming to customers. Lighting is one of the most important things to consider, not just in terms of color and warmth but also your lighting fixtures. Even though you might choose to decorate your store in different ways throughout the year, you’ll also want to make some more permanent choices. Think about your brand and the atmosphere that you want to create. It’s also a good idea to think about signage, particularly the more permanent directional signs.



Edited by Jessica Rose Adams


get sorted before launching your store

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