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Saving Time When You Set Up Your Blog

Last Updated on March 3, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Blogging has truly become a thriving area of business to get involved with. In the past, blogging was more of a personal hobby, space where you could share your personal thoughts with friends and family. Fast forward around 2010 and the business of blogging was in full swing.

Professional Bloggers were popping up all over the web with monetized websites and with a significant number of visitors, started making their pages a great advertising space for businesses. They started selling products and services as well, and the idea of “making money while you sleep” was born. 

I guess it’s not too surprising that today, in 2018, you most likely know someone who calls Blogging their business. You may have even considered starting one yourself? Who wouldn’t want to make money writing about topics they’re passionate about and truly are interested in sharing?

The good news is, plenty of your fellow Bloggers out there offer services that will help you get started ASAP. If you try to go it alone and DIY your efforts, it can take years (true story, not exaggerating) to get your Blog/Biz set up correctly.

That could mean years before you see anything monetary in exchange for all of your hard work. Let’s look at three different areas where you can outsource, that will help you with saving time when you set up your blog.


Saving Time When You

Set Up Your Blog


saving time when you set up your blog


Setting up Your Blog the Right Way

The first step that you will have to take when setting up a blog is literally, launching an entire website from the beginning to “live”. Most blogs on the planet are on WordPress.org which is different than WordPress.com.

The later is hosted by WordPress and anyone can start a blog of any kind on their platform BUT you don’t own your own blog with this choice. 

You’ll want to purchase a domain name, select a web-hosting service and have them point your domain to a WordPress.org site that you will fully own.

This means that you’ll own your website and “self-host” it. More importantly, this means you can monetize your blog through ads, affiliate marketing, selling your own digital products & services, etc.

There are literally thousands of “How to Start a Blog” eBooks and free email courses that can read/take. For tons of the best tools & resources for your journey, start here.


Custom Web Design

saving time when you set up your blogIf you’re not a web designer but you’re serious about blogging as a business, hire a web designer. If you can’t afford one, think again.

There are wonderful designers at all level of skills, some offering free work in exchange for a testimonial. When you’re just starting out, you may find yourself doing the same thing.

Having someone vouch for you in this business is really important! Let’s assume though, that you can afford a standard fee for a great web designer.

Having the opportunity to collaborate on your first website with a professional in Custom Web design is a gift that will keep on giving. They will be able to make your page look exactly how you want it, saving you a lot of time and effort.

Let’s face it, you didn’t learn to code and write HTML or CSS yourself. Why would you think you can figure out the basics of a computer language and have it create what you want? Not happening. Hire a professional, you’ll thank me later!


Branded Photography

The quality of smartphone cameras is constantly on the rise, but nothing quite compares to professional photography. No matter what your blog focuses on, professional photographers will be able to give you top-quality images. They’ll also be able to take photos that align with your blog’s brand.

Developing a brand is an important part of becoming easily recognizable when launching a marketing campaign in the future.

A professional photographer will have an eye for keeping your brand’s style in every picture that they take. Whether the photograph is of an outfit for a fashion blog, or landscape shots for a travel blog.

It’s crucial to check out their portfolio and make sure that you can see how they capture other brand styles. And of course, you’ll want to ask about their prices.


These are three of the most important areas that you need to set up your blog and publish your first post ASAP. With these various services, you should be able to get started on the right foot and launch in no time!


Jessica Rose Adams

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