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The Forgotten Benefits of Physical Marketing Methods

Last Updated on January 10, 2019 by Jessica Adams

When it comes to branding with broad reach, most businesses head online. It’s easy to see why when you consider that social media is an easy way to reach audiences across the world. But, despite its far-reaching “magic”, relying solely on social media marketing would be a bad idea. Marketing has always been a multi-layered platform and that hasn’t changed. The more ways you find to spread your message, the more chance you have of customers getting to know your name. Besides, every business owner knows not to put all their eggs in one basket. By expanding your reach back, to include physical marketing methods, you make sure your efforts don’t crumble when one outlet lets you down.

With that in mind, consider the physical marketing methods you’ve previously cast aside. Physical marketing doesn’t have anywhere near the same reach as social media. At least, not unless you’re willing to travel across the world with your leaflets! But, there are physical marketing methods which could spread your name even further than you realize. And, we’re going to look at a few of them here.


The Forgotten Benefits of

Physical Marketing Methods

physical marketing methods


Branded Merchandise

When a company throws a branded pen into a purchase, we all feel a ping of satisfaction. And, don’t even get us started on how much we all love a free tote bag. Add to the fact that these options can take your brand traveling, and this is a no-brainer. By putting your logo on items that customers can take around town with them, there are no limits on the reach of your efforts here. By adding smaller keepsake items with online orders, you could eventually see your brand out in the wild all over the world. Stick your contact details on there somewhere and that could bring significant business your way. So, head to sites like custommerchandise.com.au and get the printing press rolling.


That Festival Life

physical marketing methodsDependent on your product, festivals may also be a way of getting your brand out there. Big events like these attract attendees from all over the country. Some even get international guests. And, if your brand is among the select few being offered, that could see you gaining whole new pockets of custom-made opportunities. You can even drum up more business by using eye-catching banners like those found here at www.vividads.com.au/, to use in your display. Using bright colors on options like these ensures the whole festival field will see you.

Billboards Over Posters

Posters are now pretty obsolete. While some companies do still use them, they have obvious limitations. In general, small posters don’t tend to drum up a great deal of attention. People only see them when they walk directly past. Even then, you need to count on them looking the right way. By comparison, billboards are a better option. The sheer size of these means that a whole city will be able to see them. Plus, the roadside positioning of possibilities like these mean city drivers will also take note of your brand. If you want your posters to achieve a broad reach, then, many would argue that this is the best physical way to do it.



Edited by Jessica Rose Adams


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