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How To Ensure You Have The Best Team Behind You

Last Updated on August 9, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Running a business by yourself is definitely hard work. You’ll encounter struggles along the way to achieving your goals but as long as you believe in yourself, there’s no reason that everything you aim for can’t be achieved. In the early days, post-launch, your business will most likely be very small.

You should be able to get away with working from home and managing everything from your laptop and cell phone. Once those ‘startup’ years are behind you, you’ll also want to have the best team behind you. You can do a lot on your own but with a solid team to help you expand your business, that’s priceless. 

No matter how good you are, there’s only so much you can do before the stress of juggling a dozen things all alone, finally gets to you. This is where a strong, successful team of employees come into play. At first, the idea of strangers joining your business isn’t one you may be too thrilled about.

It’s completely normal to feel protective over something that you alone created and nurtured into the thriving business you have today. That’s exactly why the process to find this incredible team, should naturally take some time. You need to be absolutely sure that you’ll have the best team behind you and your business. This team should be able to connect with you and your business effortlessly.

Their talent, intellect, even sense of humor, should align in a harmonious balance that everyone hopes to have with their team. They should be supportive of your vision for the business and want to help drive it towards success as much as you do. Here are a few important steps to take to make sure that you have the best team behind you.

How To Ensure You Have

The Best Team Behind You


Have The Best Team Behind You


Hire a Recruitment Agency

In what feels like a lifetime ago, I used to be a Recruiter and can personally vouch for hiring one. Just imagine having to scour the Internet by yourself and ‘people hunt’, on top of everything else that you’re already doing in your business? You’d have to set up initial (and final) interviews, then check references by yourself. If you’re looking to hire an entire team, this could end up taking a lot of time.

Have The Best Team Behind YouThis is why so many businesses hire Recruitment Agencies to help them with every step of the process. One benefit of hiring an agency is that they have Recruitment Specialists. Let’s say one of the team members you’re looking to hire will be overseeing the finances in your business.

Perhaps this particular job includes monitoring credit reports and recovering unpaid invoices. By hiring a credit control recruiter you’ll be sure to get someone highly qualified to look for this very person on your team. Professional Recruiters are trained to look for certain qualities in a candidate.

When you work with a Recruiter, you let them know about the personal qualities you work best with. You can also let them know about any personality quirks that you tend to not get along with. This is your team and Recruiters expect you to mention these things so they only bring you the best possible teammates.

If they’ve done their job, you’ll only be meeting those who have successfully passed every other ’round’ before getting in front of you. They’ll be fully vetted by your Recruiter and briefed about you and your business.


Do Your Background Checks

Have The Best Team Behind YouOne of the most important things that need to be done when hiring, is a background check. I’m not talking about just your standard Criminal Background Check. Although more and more businesses seem to be running those as standard practice these days.

Let’s just say that because someone looks great on paper, it doesn’t mean they’re great in ‘real-life’. You could be impressed with someone very skilled in the area you require.

But after speaking with their previous employer, you discover they have a bad attitude and aren’t a team player. Does that sound like someone you want to bring onto your team? Probably not! 

Thoroughly checking into a person’s background encompasses their references too. This means that you need to talk to former employers, team members on other projects and their last roommate. You’d be surprised at how random information about a person can paint such a vivid picture of their character!


Get to Know Your Team 1-on-1 & Be Grateful For Them

Another way to really get to know a person’s character is by cutting out the middleman (the Recruiter in this case) and meeting face-to-face. At this point, they’ve endured every obstacle to get in front of you. They’ve passed every test and this is the final.

After reading about all that they are on paper, do you truly connect with this person? What are some ideas you can think of about wear to take someone in this situation if you’re the one hiring? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below.

Have The Best Team Behind YouFinally, expressing your gratitude to the amazing team you’ve assembled is something you should always do. As long as they’re on your team and contributing to your businesses success, they should be applauded.

It could be a team only trip or vacation with everyone’s families. Depending on your budget, find something to do that gives back and celebrates each of them.

If you get the most stellar candidates to make it through such a rigorous hiring process, you’ll literally have the best team behind you.



Jessica Rose Adams

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