0 In Our "Mini-Post Series" by Guest Writers

It’s Your Job As Boss To See Ahead Of The Competition

Last Updated on September 10, 2018 by Jessica Adams

As a #girlboss, the only way to dominate your market – your industry – is to get creative and find ways to see ahead of the competition. It’s about being the best version of you possible so that your business follows suit, leading from the front, and making sure you give all your potential customers every reason to buy from you and not your competitors. It’s about coming up with a unique selling point that’s so amazing, and so amazingly obvious, not one person has to ask what makes you different.

That said, with every market more saturated that fat, it’s becoming harder to be distinguishable. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve become an entrepreneur through selling products or supplying a service; there probably isn’t much that separates you and the competition, which is why you need to step up as a leader and make your processes, strategies, and attitude set you apart from those snapping at your heels. So, without further ado, here’s how to pull away from the competition.


It’s Your Job As Boss To

See Ahead Of The Competition


see ahead of the competition


Keep Your Friends Close

And your competition closer. If you don’t, how will you know what makes you different from them or why your customers prefer going to them over you. It’s about having inside knowledge; understanding where you have the upper hand, understand which niche you should be double-down on and what sort of strategy will work best moving forward.


see ahead of the competitionTrial And Error Is Essential

Most businesses bide their time when it comes to making decisions. They talk a lot before they take action, which is why you should not be afraid to be bold and test the water. Get ahead of them. Get out there, analyze buyer patterns, study the results and do it. That’s not to say you shouldn’t calculate your decisions first. But there’s only so many calculations that can be made before it becomes a bit of guesswork, which is where some old-fashioned “hutzpa” comes in.


Think Big. Really, Really Big

The biggest problem for most startups and small companies is their attitude. They quickly become focused on how to survive the first five years instead of looking for ways to thrive. But that’s what your mentality should be, woman. You need to think bigger than you are. Set yourself up to scale quickly, build a pool of trusted freelancers, find a mobile app platform to build your company an app knowing that’s the future, take risks, say yes, learn later and do anything it takes to reach the next level. Thinking small will keep you where you are, but thinking big will open up so many new possibilities.


see ahead of the competitionCutting Costs Isn’t Always Good

Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s absolutely essential to slash the price of your product or service. But you should avoid doing this if you can because cutting the price is a surefire way to make your business weaker, leaving the door open for your competitors to snap up your customers. With the internet, you are never going to be the cheapest. Never. So stop making that your focus and find a way to add more value to what you are selling. Trust us on that.


This has been a guest contribution from Jacqueline Meyers, in the Small Biz “Mini-Post” Series. 1K words or less & open for Guest Posting!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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