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How to Boost Your Productivity While Growing Your New Business

Last Updated on August 23, 2018 by Jessica Adams

It’s always been a dream of yours to run your very own business and be able to quit your monotonous 9-5 office job. Now you’re proud to say that your first goals have been achieved and your company is thriving! Whether you’re a professional blogger who makes a living at “the business of blogging” or you’re an online e-commerce store, you’ve conquered your industry – online business – and have started making some serious money. Even though you should be extremely satisfied with how far you have come, you’re always looking for ways to improve your processes and take your online business to another level. Check out these ideas to boost your productivity while growing your new business.


How to Boost Your Productivity

While Growing Your New Business


boost your productivity while growing your new business


Save Time and Outsource

You know the feeling when your software crashes, your website is crashing and your online payments won’t go through? You spend hours of your day Googling how to fix the problem only to get frustrated and give up. Save yourself a lot of time and effort, and look into Managed IT Services. In today’s fast-paced business world, you don’t have time for downtime. So let the experts look after all the tech stuff for you. You’ll be able to count on things running smoothly while your focus is on what you are good at.

Sure, I know when it’s time to call my web host and whine about a glitch on my site. But do I really know the difference between whether my host is at fault or my Internet provider accidentally block my IP address? Exactly, you’re not even sure what I just said! I’ll happily stick to being an innovative and creative Entrepreneur. IT guys, you’ve got this!


Manage Your Time Well

boost your productivity while growing your new businessYou’ve had so many mornings where you woke up with good intentions, but got sidetracked along the way. You never quite reach your daily goals and it can get very frustrating over time. Try to create smaller, more attainable goals for each day and the week ahead. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself but do make sure you are spending enough time on each of your tasks. I heard this tip at a conference once, you should have “bite-sized” goals sprinkled throughout your week ahead.

Each night when you make out your list for the next day, hone in on your week of goals and grab 3-4 of them. Did I mention that the 3-4 goals can be both business and personal? After all, you’re an Entrepreneur and are charged with getting it ALL done! 1-2 of those goals should be personal and the rest business. If you mix up the contents of what you’re doing, it’ll be a lot easier to work through your list each day. You will soon get into a good routine and your time management skills will improve greatly.


Lost Focus? Consult Your Business Plan

Every entrepreneur loses their way from time to time, it’s completely normal. If you ever feel truly lost or frustrated, unable to recall why you started all of this in the first place, get out your business plan. One of the many reasons why Entrepreneurs create Business Plans is to reassure themselves boost your productivity while growing your new businessdown the road when something like this happens. I can only speak for myself but my Business Plan from Conversion Minded CEO Sandra Clayton is like my business bible.

“This workbook is designed to help you create a roadmap for your future business so that you know exactly what to do at each stage of your blog-to-biz journey”, Sandra says in the opening of her amazing Blog Business Plan Workbook. Again, it’s “designed to create a roadmap…so you know EXACTLY what to do at EACH STAGE of your business’s journey”. If I were to find that when I got lost, I would easily be found.


Explore Expansion Ideas

Growing your business and reaching an even wider target audience should always be on your mind. When it comes to expanding your concept of success, you should always have ideas flowing. Remember that having bite-sized, attainable goals are the key to getting to those “meal-sized”, super important goals! Whatever roads you need to take to get to expand your audience, start to map boost your productivity while growing your new businessit out. Place clearly defined goals (and how to reach them) on plot-points along this map.

While this ‘map’ is metaphorical in nature, you could easily draw this idea out onto a large, mind map. I’m a visual person so this idea sounds fun to me! For those of you who aren’t as visual, you could easily enjoy creating a list of bullet points with your ‘map’ plots in mind. However you do it, stay focused on the big end goals, just take small steps to reach them.


Whether you want to branch out to a wider audience or reassess your daily schedule, now is the time to make it happen. If you are in a financially comfortable place you might be able to start outsourcing some of your technical tasks so that you don’t have to waste time thinking about them. You want to make sure your business is running as smoothly as possible, so figure out a way to incorporate some of these ideas into the day to day running of your business now. You are an absolute #boss, so always be proud of how much you have already achieved!


Jessica Rose Adams

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