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9 Ways To Improve How People Interact With Your Business

Last Updated on August 22, 2018 by Jessica Adams

Are you unsure about the quality of the interactions between your business its customers? The task of interacting well with customers is extremely important in today’s casual and connected society. You need to be able to keep people on your side and enjoying using your business. Otherwise, they will quickly head elsewhere and find a company able to meet their needs. To help you get better at all this, we’ve come up with a few ways in which your business can start to improve how people interact with your business. It’s about meeting their needs and expectations so that they don’t feel like they’ve been let down in any way by your business. Read on to find out about the 9 ways to improve how people interact with your business.


9 Ways To Improve How People

Interact With Your Business


how people interact with your business


Make Your Brand More Human and Approachable

When your business has a relatable, human face, people tend to see it as being more approachable. It definitely helps when your business is easy for customers to interact with. Think about it; why would anyone want to interact with your business if it didn’t have an overall “inviting vibe”? You want to encourage interaction in an age of automated, digital customer service. Make sure you never forget about the human touch.


Insist That Your Team Be Active on Social Media

how people interact with your business


People expect brands to be interactive on social media because it has slowly become a place where you can count on the ability to interact with a small business owner or a brands’ several ambassadors, directly. You should do what you can to answer the questions that people have on these platforms because it’s a convenient way to encourage both helpful and causal interactions between your business and its customers. It also saves people from emailing and calling your head offices with questions they might have. This is something your business will need to work on as soon as you can.


Make Sure Site Visitors Have Options On How To Get To You 

The way in which people actually use your website should be up to them to decide. They should be able to browse it just as easily on their smartphone as they could on their laptop or desktop computer. You should make it so that the customer is the one in control and making these decisions. There should be a variety of options open to them because then it really does become a choice for them to make, not a situation that they’re forced to adapt to.


Make It Clear Where Visitors Should Click on Your Website

It should be absolutely clear to everyone who visits your website, where they should click to find the things they want. It shouldn’t be a chore-like maze for anyone to find what they’re looking for but sadly, this is still the case with many websites. Make sure that your categories are labeled and right how people interact with your businessout there, front and center. If you’re going to use the footer of your site for anything, stick to your Instagram feed and nothing else.

Visitors should able to find things like the search bar and any crucial information, such as your affiliate disclosures, DCMA or your contact info, as soon as they land on your site. If you send your visitors on a wild goose chase through your website to find your contact information, they may decide not to contact you after all and never return to your site again.


Make The Complaint Process Smooth and Simple

Every business owner hopes that no one ever has a reason to make a complaint that has to do with their business. Realistically, there will always be an accident or a mistake made by someone. Even if your goal is to keep accidents to a minimum at all times, people are people. If the time comes for a disgruntled customer to make a complaint, it should be easy for them to do so. That means making the entire process as smooth and simple as possible. The person making the complaint should receive some type of apology from the company, if necessary. And the accused employee must take action to correct whatever mistake that was made.


Train Pillars of Customer Service

how people interact with your businessWhether your employees are meeting customers in person or talking to them on the phone, it’s important that they’re able to help the customers out promptly. You know what they say, about the customer always being right? You’d hate for them to be right about your business having the worst customer service when they leave a review about your business online the next day. The last thing you want is for customers to become frustrated by a lack of action on the part of your employees. You can’t expect your team to know how to deal with people in every situation. It’s up to you to train them correctly from Day 1.


Ask For Feedback and Pay Attention To It!

Getting your customers to tell you what they think of your business isn’t always easy. People tend to only want to give such opinions when they’ve had a bad experience. They’re less likely to talk about positive experiences. So, how can you get consistent, legitimate feedback from customers? One idea is to create your own questionnaire, whose feedback is somewhat regulated to make sure that it’s useful. No matter what the outcome of the questionnaire, you and your staff need to be ready to act on all feedback. Your reaction is actually the most important part of this equation. If your employees can demonstrate that they can take criticism, learn from it and change for the better… That speaks volumes about the people you hire at your company.


Only Make Promises You Can Deliver On

Ever heard of a show called Mad Men, about the Advertising Industry’s rise in fame & power, set in the 50s-70s? Good, you have! But were you paying attention to any of the business discussed in the show, as entrepreneurs? You may recall several of their Ad Campaigns with Coca-Cola, Lucky Strike, how people interact with your businessTampax and so many others. A point was often made when they were “selling” their ideas to clients, that selling a fantasy, can mean making promises to your clients or customers, that you cannot possibly keep. 

If you allow your business to make promises that you know it can’t deliver on, it can result in a breakdown of trust and that can be incredibly difficult to bounce back from. Try only to make promises you feel confident you can deliver on in the long-term. If you’re selling a fantasy in an Ad campaign, make sure that you differentiate the reality version’s outcome! 


Understand User Experience vs User Interface For the Ultimate Benefit of Both

Lastly, of the best ways to improve how people interact with your business, user experience is the process of creating products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. UX (user experience) is sometimes confused with UI (user interface) because they’re both ‘types of design’ but very much separate in their overall functionality. You might find it interesting to learn about user interface vs user experience and see how these two separate types of design processes overlap.

User experience aims to offer positive experiences that keep users loyal to your product or brand. This involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability, and function. The use of effective and simple user interface design will be of immense help in achieving the goals of a website. While a meaningful user experience allows you to define customer journeys on your website that are in the best interest of your business’s success. 



Jessica Rose Adams

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