0 In Our "Mini-Post Series" by Guest Writers

3 Pointed Reasons You Need To Get People On Your Mailing List

Last Updated on August 15, 2018 by Jessica Adams

How many of you reading this, run your very own small business/blog that you’ve monetized? Well, if you have any business that involves a strong web presence, you’re likely aware of how important it is to optimize your site for enhanced user experience and targeted web traffic. This will help make sure that people are getting to the pages you want them to go to. Specifically, the pages that share your products and announce your services. This type of targeted engagement with your website/business will help to increase your overall bottom line. What you might not have considered, is the degree to which having a mailing list can impact your business in profoundly positive ways.

Of course, it’s not enough just to have a mailing list and blindly hope that people will just sign up. You need to be able to entice your readers with something special in exchange for their email address. You might be using a Gmail account or you’re shopping for something more high end, such as the five email hosting services to look at, according to WHSR. Either way, here are three pointed reasons why you need to get people on your mailing list. 


3 Pointed Reasons You Need To

Get People On Your Mailing List


get people on your mailing list


Continue Marketing To Your List Long-Term 

Many expert marketing gurus have preached the benefits of identifying a core of pre-qualified prospects to market to. The idea is that over a prolonged period, you’ll develop something of a working relationship with these prospects and eventually turn them into clients. Getting someone to sign up to your mailing list immediately converts them from a prospect to a lead. They’re immediately registering some degree of interest in your business through them just signing up. Once they’re on your mailing list, you have the opportunity to nurture those leads into clients. This may take a good amount of time but that’s the goal, that leads become your clients. Through email, you can regularly be marketing to them with your monthly newsletter or weekly emails full of valuable business tips or even hair styling tips (whatever your niche is!).


Stay “Fresh” On People’s Minds, Buy Living In Their Inbox

get people on your mailing listIf someone came across your website or one of your online ads, they’d remember you for a moment. If the ad was particularly good, they might even remember you for a few days. But eventually, the mere idea of you or your business will be relegated you to the back of their mind. If, however, those same people were on your mailing list, you’d be reminding them of your business’ presence however often you sent out an email. Another incident in which someone might lose track of you if not for being on your mailing list is if you re-branded your business. In this case, people will most likely end up “pointing” the website that you’re used to, towards a new site.

Since you have a nice, healthy-sized email list for your business you’d merely send an announcement email about the move. The same goes for if you ever had to take an extended leave of absence. Having a bunch of people signed up to your mailing list allows you to stay in contact despite these external setbacks. You can explain how you can be contacted in the meantime, give details about changes in your business, and avoid losing touch with your entire base of prospective clients in one fell swoop.

You OWN Your Email List & Can Guide The Conversation…

get people on your mailing listAnother thing to consider is that if a popular social media platform suddenly lost their popularity (MySpace!), you’d lose all the contacts you’ve made on that site. Unfortunately for your business, that social media site that just flopped still owns all of its user data. But what do you own? Your email list. Every person on that list gave you, entrusted you with their email address. They trust you, so make sure you did everything in your power to keep that trust. You can also guide the conversation via email, towards exciting new happenings in your business. Maybe you’re launching a new product or service. Make the people on your mailing list feel as special as they’ve made you feel, and offer an exclusive discount just for them! Whenever you own something, you’re responsible for caring for and nurturing it. And there’s no difference here with your email list!


This has been a guest contribution from Grace Matthews, in the Small Biz “Mini-Post” Series. 1K words or less & open for Guest Posting!


Edited by Jessica Rose Adams

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