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7 On-the-Money Questions That Will Determine The Kind Of Business You Should Start

Last Updated on March 31, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Starting your very own business just isn’t as big of a deal these days. Everybody’s doing it! It is still scary and it still comes with many risks that entrepreneurs need to consider. However, everybody knows somebody who has decided to set up a business of some kind these days!

You can finally enjoy what you do for a living, make more money, and enjoy the plethora of other benefits that come with doing something like this. However, asking the right questions first is the key to starting the right kind of business for yourself. Read on for seven questions that will determine the kind of business you should start.


7 On-the-Money Questions

That Will Determine The Kind

Of Business You Should Start


questions that will determine the kind of business you should start


What Would You Do For Free?

Think about what you’d do for free if money was not an issue. How would you like to spend your days in the lap of luxury? Would you finally write that novel you’ve been planning little by little, over the years? How about going back to school, you could get a second (or first) degree!

Have you ever wanted to teach, perhaps teach English to foreign students? Think about all the things that really help you to lose track of time, that set your soul on fire!

They may be BIG dreams and they should be… This doesn’t mean that you can’t figure out how to scale that BIG dream down to a sizeable vision, that could eventually turn into a business idea!


Where Do Your Passions Lie?

Write a list of all the things you feel passion for. Sports? Beauty? Wellness? Computer programming? You don’t have to start a business in this field directly but there’s a chance you’ll find a way to incorporate your passions.

I know this may sound incredibly silly but when thinking up the first job I would ever apply to, I was drinking a delicious cup of coffee and got this feeling that I would be in the “coffee industry” as a career.

Well, I didn’t make a career for myself in the coffee industry but I did start out at Starbucks for my first “legit” job ever. Then I moved onto to The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and eventually helped open a one-of-a-kind Hawaiian coffee shop.

I was even in charge of creating the drinks at this Hawaiian shop, each with an “Aloha/Kona Coffee” taste and vibe. Come to think of it, I did have a career in coffee for several years and yes, it’s something I was and still am very passionate about (as I sip coffee from my favorite “writing” coffee mug).


What Are Your Skills And Talents?

Be honest with yourself and think about the things you’re truly good at. Maybe people have commented on something you’re good at your whole life, like singing, dancing or fencing! Whatever your talents are, write them down.

And while you’re at it, take note of stuff that you’re kind of know for not being good at. Knowing both your strengths and weaknesses will help you to start a business that is just right for YOU, as well as give you a starting point to begin working on yourself.

You never know, your business could somehow center on your journey to strengthen one or more of your weaknesses… Interesting! Of course, I have no idea what kind of business could do that so you may want to ignore me there 😉


What Are You Interested In?

Your interests may not be things you know a lot about. Perhaps you just have some curiosities – but those can be great things to explore, then see where they take you.

Back to your interests, have you ever considered launching a business based on one of your hobbies? This can be a true joy (or a hobby-ending nightmare) but at least you get to start doing something you enjoy!

Whether or not you continue to love your hobby as a hobby, you get sick of it altogether or it turns into your forever business, it’s all up to you!


What Are Your Values?

Your values should definitely align with your business. Now listen up here because a lot of people get this next part confused. This does not mean that the way you choose to live your life has to be reflected in your business. 

Does that make sense? A lot of people, when they read, “Your values should align with your business” tend to think, “My business should have something to do with serving the homeless, teaching impoverished children to read or all about women’s rights.”

Each one of those causes is wonderful and definitely seem to, reflect the type of values that one may have. But just because you’re a good person who wants to good things for people, doesn’t mean that your business itself has to mirror your values.

What matters to you, honestly? How about kindness? You can align those values with your business in your day-to-day operations and how to intend to treat your employees and customers, with kindness and respect.


Who Do You Want To Help?

Finally, think of the people you want to help. Teens? Families? People struggling with depression? Every business impacts somebody in some way! Think about it, even the printing paper distributor is helping someone!

People love to get that ream of printing paper from the supply closet because the stuff they print out is most likely, things they need to go about their workday or even their hobby day!

Just remember, every cause has an effect. At the end of the day, whatever type of business you ultimately choose to launch, will affect someone, either directly or indirectly. So who would you like to impact on some level, small or large?


What Do You Always Find Yourself Coming

Back To?

Is there an idea in your head that you always find yourself returning to? This is definitely one of the questions that will determine the kind of business you should start.

Maybe something you’ve thought about since your younger days keeps on cropping up in your mind? Usually, we have these ideas and impulses for a reason and ultimately, I believe we should follow them.

Whether your idea has to do with your existing job, like doing a dental practice exchange if you’re a Dentist. Or starting something from scratch like opening up that beauty salon you’ve always dreamed of opening. It could be time to think about those seemingly random ideas, seriously.


Once you’ve written down your answers to all the above questions, you should be able to come up with some ideas that align perfectly with your personality, beliefs, and goals.

Think about where you’d like to be in 5-10 years time and start designing your business idea around that. Anybody can start a business for money but to start a business that you actually want to run, that you feel passionate about, is something else altogether.


Jessica Rose Adams

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