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10 Most Powerful Ways To Manage Your Company Performance

Last Updated on August 8, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Your job as the owner and team leader of your company is not to micromanage, rather, to keep an eye on each performance as it relates to company performance. Motivation plays an important role but you also have to work on interpersonal relationships.

If you aim to deliver more value to your employees and customers, you should have a performance management system in place. The following ten tips are some of the most efficient ways to manage your company performance.


10 Most Powerful Ways

To Manage Your

Company Performance


ways to manage your company's performance


Choose the Right People

It all begins who you hire and it’s crucial that you find a startup team committed to your business’s goals, purpose, and vision. Instead of finding someone just qualified or cheap, hire an expert in each position, who’s able to learn everything quickly and efficiently.

To make sure that you have the best team supporting you in your role, you should set very clear criteria. Whether you’re using a recruiting agency or hiring on your own, create a checklist to avoid missing important skills and knowledge.


Set Up a Trial Period

While your applicants might look good on paper, they might not work out as well as you’d hoped. The magic of the new workplace will wear off and you may start noticing mistakes.

This is why many companies have a trial period of working. This is so they can evaluate the performance of their staff before committing to a permanent contract.

If you’re unsure how to measure performance, you can check out Price It Here to get a quote from a Human Resources professional.


Encourage Collaboration

To maximize the benefit and effectiveness of teamwork, you’ll have to create a culture in your company that encourages collaboration. There are many ways that owners can get people to work together.

From morning huddles to inter-departmental meetings, coaching and appraisals, there are lots of options. However, you’ll first have to focus on the culture of the organization and make sure that everyone’s on the same page.


Offer Individual Training/Development Plans

ways to manage your company's performanceTo get people to be committed to your business’s goals and vision, you’ll have to align your interests with their personal aspirations.

Whether they’re looking to become qualified in a certain area, move ahead in their career or just take on more projects, there are several opportunities you can present to your employees.

Sit down with them and find out what you can do to make them feel valued and respected in your organization.


Reward and Recognition

It is also crucial that you develop a clear reward and recognition policy in your company from the beginning. Set clear goals and rewards, taking into consideration your employees’ personal preferences.

While some people would value a half-day on Friday, others may prefer a discounted gym membership. Instead of trying to guess what makes your employees tick, you must sit down with them and really listen.


Be Open to Suggestions

It’s also crucial that you have an open-door policy and a Democratic leadership approach.

If your employees know that you take into account their interests and suggestions, they’ll feel valued and respected. Higher commitment to the job will result in better overall performance.

Whether you ask which facilities they’d like to see in the office or get their help developing your new CMS, they’ll appreciate your interest in their views.


Measure Everything

The key to managing anything is finding a way to measure it. If you’d like to make fair employee-related decisions, you must track individual performances. While team targets and company goals are important, it’s crucial that you recognize the employees who go the extra mile.

They deserve your recognition if they deliver exceptional customer service, spot risks on the company portfolio or give you helpful suggestions that take your venture further.


Internal Coaching

It’s also a good idea to team up your more experienced staff with new employees, so they can share their knowledge and experiences.

This way everyone will have the same procedures and processes and it’ll be easier to measure individual performance.

Another benefit of this method is that you’ll be able to identify the future leaders of your company. You can test your employees’ skills and specifically measure their interpersonal communication skills.


Set Goals Together

It’s also a good idea to set performance goals with your staff, instead of just dictating the figures. If you let your workers set their own goals, they’re more likely to motivate themselves to achieve them.

Whenever you hold a one-on-one meeting or a group appraisal session, ask your team members about their career goals and aspirations. This is good to know so that you can work on more challenging and interesting targets together.


Personal Development Programs

ways to manage your company's performanceAnother good way of supporting your employees and to make the most out of their skills is to give them more training.

Whether you invest in a developmental program, leadership training or workplace communication training, you’ll find it beneficial for your workers and your company as well.

Personal development training will have a positive impact on overall employee performance.


If you want to deliver the most value to your employees, you must align your business’s goals with their individual, professional aspirations. Train and support them, then measure the key performance indicators. Ensure that your workers feel encouraged, motivated, and valued.


Jessica Rose Adams

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