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Want People To Know Your Name? Here’s What You Do

Last Updated on February 10, 2019 by Jessica Adams

The business world can seem incredibly rough. Not only do you have the pressure that you put on yourself to deal with but you’ve also got competitors to keep up with. It can all seem incredibly overwhelming.

However, when you do go into any kind of business venture, you have to be okay with all the “entrepreneur overwhelm” that goes along with it. You have to know that it’s going to be difficult but still love the process anyway.

One of the ways to do that as a small business owner or solo-entrepreneur is to make sure that you’re getting your marketing right. Because if you want to find some level of success, your audience and your consumers need to know your name.

So, are you ready? Do you truly want people to know your name? Let’s take a look at a few ways to make sure that this happens.


Want People To Know

Your Name?

Here’s What You Do


A stunning brunette woman stares directly into the camera while a yellow flowered tree behind her, gently drapes down and around her shoulders. The yellow matches her yellow blouse.


Nail Your Branding

In order to be at the level of success where people know you by name, you’re going to have to NAIL your branding. When you look at successful businesses or “brand names”, they all have these in common.

An epic, deliberate and cohesive marketing plans & branding campaigns. If you know that essentially “selling yourself” (which is what you’d need to do) isn’t your thing, you can always hire a branding specialist or logo designer to help pull those ideas out of you.

Then you can get merchandise made from somewhere like Promo Gallery, using your fabulous new logo and design scheme. If people are going to know your name, you have to make sure that you’re absolutely deliberate with your branding.

Choose something to represent you or your company’s product, that makes sense! Also, beware of remaining cohesive with all of your logo variations, ad campaigns, marketing roll-outs, the whole nine yards.

Even the colors and textures in an image representing your brand need to be meticulously thought out (such as the yellow, flowers and soft tone in the image above).


Put In the Time, Effort & Hard Work

A look from above as a female's hand type on a keyboard at a desktop computer. She's surrounded by cute office supplies that are very "girly"It’s so important to put the utmost effort into getting “your name” out there. When you look at any successful business or entrepreneur, they did not get there overnight or by accident.

They got there intentionally, after years of trial & error with their branding, marketing, even the sales copy for their products and services.

They put in countless hours of hard work, sacrificed time with family & friends and oh yeah, they also had tons of failures on the way to success.

“I never borrowed money from Mom and lived at home. But my parents never helped me. I worked hard and moved out. I treated my blog like a business; hard work is important.” – Leandra Medine, Blogger


Remain Consistent

Consistency in your business is the key to success. Having a business is a lot like having a child. One day, this little thing you only dreamed of actually comes to life and you’re never without it again.

Whether you’re unveiling your website or opening the doors to your store, you must remain consistent with your business from the moment you launch. It’s imperative that you start steadily rather than starting off with such a big BANG, that you lose steam quickly.

The audience that you’ve worked so hard to build will leave just as quickly as they came. It’s like that saying, “slow and steady wins the race”, from the Tortoise and the Hare. I feel like The Rock must read this story to his children a lot…

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” – Dwayne Johnson, Actor


Document Your Journey 

An iPhone on a tripod cell phone dock is shooting live film of an incredible sunsetIt’s also a good idea to document your journey. When you do, you’re giving your audience an insight into what you’re up to and what goes on behind the scenes of your own enterprise.

This is a rare and incredible opportunity to connect directly with the consumers who buy your products or services.

With the recent launch of Instagram’s new IGTV, you can literally start broadcasting your very own television show or series, directly from your phone. 

Of course, you still have Instagram Stories and Facebook Live to share your message and talk about the latest “goings on” with you and your business.


Engage With Your Audience

If you really want people to know your name, take the opportunity to get real-time feedback and real responses from your audience. That’s the greatest form of engagement between your audience and you, their producer of the content they digest or the products they buy.

Just think of the reach that you’d have with each consumer during a broadcast like this! You can test new products in front of a live audience, even poll your audience while they’re watching, to get specific, authentic, and unbiased feedback.

Finally, some of your audience may find it fascinating to learn about “a day in your life”. Imagine how many audience members have considered the same career path for themselves?

If you can use your platform to encourage even one person to follow your career path as an Entrepreneur or Small Business Owner, that would be fantastic!



Jessica Rose Adams

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