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5 Reasons Email Marketing Is The Best Decision For Your Business

Last Updated on September 15, 2020 by Jessica Adams

One of the most popular forms of online marketing has always been sending a direct email to your very own list of interested subscribers. Otherwise known as email marketing. Email marketing has been a staple for businesses for years and it remains a huge part of the marketing strategy for many businesses across the world.

If you’ve heard people whispering throughout the business world that “email marketing is dead”, I can assure you, ‘they’ve’ been saying that is quiet corners for years. But, if there’s ever been a time where the naysayers are dead wrong, it’s NOW!

In case you’re wondering whether you should be using email marketing for your solo venture or small business, here are five reasons why email marketing is the best decision for your business. 


5 Reasons Email Marketing

Is The Best Decision

For Your Business


email marketing is the best decision for your business

You Can Build Your Credibility

For a new brand, you want to find a way to relate to and create a sense of trust with your audience. The best way to get to know anyone in life is by getting to know them one on one. Of course, depending on how much free time you have and the size of your company, this idea can seem a bit daunting. However, it’s not an ideal that’s impossible to achieve. You just need to figure out a system.

email marketing is the best decision for your businessA great way to do this is by sending a ‘welcome’ email to your followers, upon subscribing to your email list. By sending a ‘welcome email’ with your contact details and branding, you will build credibility as a business. 

Take the time to talk candidly about your business and what it truly means to you. Let your new subscriber know how excited you are to have them on this journey with you.

Once you’ve spoken directly to your new audience and shown them the woman behind the business, you will gain people’s trust. 


You Can Drive More Sales

Once you have proven yourself to be credible and trustworthy, the next step is that they’ll want to buy from you. When you create a newsletter, you are likely sharing extra special offers and products with your customers.

When they open an email and see new products or a special offer, on an old favorite product, they’re more likely to click through to your website to see for themselves. This increases your chance of getting a sale from your audience and in turn, you will make more money.


You Can Strengthen Customer Relationships

email marketing is the best decision for your businessIt is the hope for every brand that they will be able to build a strong, positive relationship with their customers. During your time in running a business, you will want to get to know your audience and be able to figure out what makes them tick.

By sending out consistent emails to your customers you are staying fresh in their minds. This will help them to remember you over all the other brands they subscribe to.

If you learn to use a personable voice and conversational tone, you’ll get more responses and build a good reputation for yourself.


You Can See What Works & What Doesn’t

Sending out a newsletter to your audience will always be a bit of an experiment. It can take several attempts to come up with the right strategy about what to say. Ultimately, you want your audience to buy your products. In the beginning, it’s a lot of trial and error but it’s all about consistency! Try setting up an email automation sequence.

Your audience will unknowingly trigger when the sequence when they take a specific action on your website. This will give you tons of insight about their interests and what they’re struggling with, in their business. You’ll also be able to figure out which types of products they’d be most likely to purchase. 


email marketing is the best decision for your businessYou Can Reach People Anywhere

The beauty of email is that it is available EVERYWHERE these days! By sending out an email you’re able to reach subscribers at work, home, traveling abroad or with family & friends.

Ultimately, email is the premier form of communication to reach the widest range of people. This means you’re looking at a higher rate of success with people opening your emails.

And when people actually open your email,  they’re more likely to click through to your website. They want to see for themselves what products you’re offering. Believe it or not, a lot of readers want to read your latest blog post!



Jessica Rose Adams

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