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5 Important Things You Need To Host a Successful Business Event

Last Updated on November 27, 2019 by Jessica Adams

Businesses host events for all kinds of reasons. Perhaps you’re launching a new product or service. Maybe you just did a rebrand or you’re launching a brand new business. Or perhaps you’re hosting a fundraiser or summer pool party to raise brand awareness. Whatever the reason, you know you want to host a successful business event, one that your company will never forget!

So the main thing you need to remember is the message you are trying to get across. Events are, first, about communicating. They are a chance to get a whole network of people into one space and put the spotlight on whatever the focus or theme of the event is. Unlike impersonal emails or even the indirect nature of a phone call, this is your chance to see how people really want to engage with your business.

Setting up an event is no easy task but at the end of the day, it’s about putting high-quality elements together and planning the event thoroughly. If this is the first time you have ever hosted an event, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed with everything that goes into a major event. Ideally, you will have a team to help you execute all the details during the live event. Even if you get some help, here are five of the most important things you need to host a successful business event.


5 Important Things You

Need To Host a Successful

Business Event



Where Will This Event Be Held?

The quick answer; it depends on the theme, what type of business you run and of course, the budget! The cheapest option might be to have the event at your office but you probably wouldn’t have room to mingle. And depending on your office decor, your space may not scream “let’s party”.

If you are planning to host an event that focuses on talks from several speakers, you might prefer to rent out a conference room. But if you’re hosting a summer party, you might want to book a chic hotel and have the entire party at one of their pools, that you’ll reserve completely for your event.

The best way to choose a location is to write up a list of the things you will need and then look at what nearby venues have to offer, based on those needs. Ideally, you won’t be too far from your offices if you need to run back for more marketing materials to put in those swag bags!

Also, if your clients tend to be local, it will definitely maximize the number of people likely to attend. Choosing a venue that is far away will usually put people in a position where they have to consider whether they’ll have to stay overnight? Clients with kids especially don’t want to be faced with that question!

How To Market the Event & Register Guests

Marketing your event will take some creativity and perseverance. Fortunately, you can plan most of it from your smartphone! You should always invite more people than you can host but remember to say on the invite, that numbers are limited and tickets will be first come first served. This will put some pressure on people to sign up quickly.

Use your mailing list and social media marketing campaigns to promote your event online. If your business has a blog (it should already have one!) then write up a few blog posts leading up to the event, as this will help get the word out.

Blog posts are also a great idea because you can openly share with people what the event’s theme will be and what they expect in general.

Your posts could also open a conversation when clients and/or general attendees (new business maybe?) could use the comment section to ask questions directly to you. Remember to carefully consider exactly who your target audience is for the event. There’s no point inviting people who don’t fit into that particular “target client” mold.

Finding the balance between inviting as many people as possible and just inviting the relevant people is something only you can decide. You will also need to register attendees upon arrival. Having a guest list on paper is a smart move (you can never trust technology to behave when you have a queue forming) so you can easily check people off as they arrive. You might also want to think about name badges or lanyards so people can identify themselves.


Have You Decided On a Theme?

Getting people together in one place is the easy part of event planning. The key thing you need to consider is where you want everyone’s focus to be throughout the evening. 

Whatever your theme choice is, you need to make sure that everyone leaves with the message you wanted to convey. If your guests don’t leave thinking about your new product or service or aren’t aware of what you do, then the event itself has failed.

Getting your main focus across isn’t very difficult – especially if you make the most of your advertising opportunities. Conference banners are a great way to get your logo out there and send a marketing message at the event. A similar marketing idea is to add a Snapchat filter to your area so people can share the news that they are at the event with friends.


Host a Successful Business Event w/Free Food

This might sound frivolous but it is actually very important. If you expect people to sit in a room and listen to your marketing message, the least you could do is offering a hot coffee.

Depending on the type of event you are hosting, the refreshments could also be an opportunity to partner with a local business in the area.

For example, if there is a new restaurant set up at the same time, you could ask them to cater your event in exchange for reduced rates and advertising opportunities. This is a great way to cement your business into the community and build your network too.


And Now It’s Time For the Swag Bag!

Tell me you’re planning on sending your guests home with something that says “Now this business knows how to host a successful business event!” Yes? I thought so!

You need something that will speak volumes to your guests long after they’ve left the events and returned to ‘business as usual’. An offering of your business’ best marketing materials, along with some trendy items of the season would make for a smashing ‘SWAG bag!’

Your guests will absolutely love the “gifts” and see it as only that, a gift (and not promotional material from your business – even though it is!). Think about including your basic printed materials like a flyer with your new promotion, a catalog of your products or services, and a basic business card complete with logo, social media accounts, email address, and phone numbers.

Giving out marketing materials is another way to reinforce the message of your event so if you have a particular theme, it would be nice to continue it here. However, you also need to give people a reason to pick up their “swag bags” so adding anything pricey is a good idea!

You can reach out to popular clothing or shoe labels to discuss sponsoring the event, therefore sharing their swag with your guests for FREE! Swag is sometimes (sad but true) all people need to give them that final push towards their checkbooks at a fundraiser or their commitment to hiring your services exclusively. Hey, whatever does the trick!


Jessica Rose Adams

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