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Hiring The People Who Will Stand Out In Your Business

Last Updated on September 4, 2020 by Jessica Adams

When it’s time to add a new member to your team at work, you want someone who will stand out in your business. While this may seem like a tall order, it is… and can be quite a long process for everyone. Building a great team is essential to the success of your business which is why it is crucial that you take the time to find the best person who will stand out in your business.

Some say that the most efficient way to go about finding the best candidate to stand out in your business is to hire a recruiter. But while there are many benefits to hiring a recruiter, in most cases, it just isn’t affordable. So, most startups or small businesses will often rely on networking events.

In case you’re not sold on any of these methods, perhaps it’s because we’re thinking about the ‘how’ instead of the ‘what’. ‘How will I find the best person for my company?’ Instead of, ‘what makes this person in front of me, the person who will stand out in my business? Here are a few unique ways to make sure that you’re only hiring the best people who will stand out in your business. 


Hiring The People

Who Will Stand Out

In Your Business



Understanding What Makes a Good Candidate

When you are looking for someone new to join your team you will likely be thinking about the skill set and qualifications a person has. This might be the easiest way to make the ‘quick’ choice but it’s not the right way to go.

If you think about the person as a whole you will see many other qualities that fit into the mix. Personality, dedication, creativity, and willingness to succeed are all important qualities for a candidate.

You can set apart a great person from mediocre people by researching more into their lives and getting to know who they are. Everyone can have a qualification but there are few who will possess the right qualities you need for your brand.


Quality Over Quantity…Every time

You might have 2 candidates in your shortlist for a role. Your first candidate could have 30 years’ experience and be well versed in the role of his/her job.

But chances are, they are closer to retirement than your business is to getting off the ground. The other might have just 2 years of experience and a lot left to learn but this candidate likely has a hunger to grow and develop with your business.

Which one would you pick? Sometimes the number of years a person has been in a job role isn’t what is important, it is the drive and willingness to grow and succeed.

Always choose the quality of the person over the quantity on their resume. You will be glad you made the decision!



Involve Your Team In the Selection Process

Although you might think that you want to control the situation yourself and make sure the right decision is made, hearing from the rest of your already trusted team could help you with any inquiries that a need to go to a vote.

At the end of the day, this person is going to be a new member of the team. You will have a new person working closely with everyone each and every day, and this will affect everyone in the office.

Get your employees involved in the hiring process and let them see who is potentially going to join the team. They can help you to decide who the right choice is for this particular role. 



But Will They Stand Out In Your Business?

The most important thing for you to remember during the hiring process is not to rush your final decision. At the end of the day, you will be bringing a new person onto your team. You need to be able to trust them with your brand and represent your business.

Before you dive in and choose the first person you like, think about performing an employment screening and background checks on every candidate to ensure that they are trustworthy.


Jessica Rose Adams

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