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Why Your Business Needs To Be Running Social Media Contests Now

Last Updated on December 8, 2019 by Jessica Adams

People from all over the globe use a variety of social media networks & platforms for all manner of business and personal resources. Some of these resources include running online contests and giveaways on more platforms than you can imagine! When organized effectively, there are lots of benefits to running social media contests for businesses, as they engage their users and attract many new ones.

You may have read somewhere that getting someone’s email address is like striking gold in today’s business world and contests run on social media provide a great opportunity to grow your email list, as you’ll be able to grab potentially thousands of email addressesStill not convinced? Here are just a few of the reasons why you should consider running social media contests for your blog or biz, now!


Why Your Business

Needs To Be Running

Social Media Contests Now





Further Amplification of Online Communities

One of the best ways to build a following on your social media accounts is with some fun, healthy competition. The first online community that I ever built was in 2011. The business was directly related to the popular singing competition, NBC’s The Voice. I ran live audience polls for the projected winners as they were being systematically voted off the show.

These polls and other similar contests were run on Twitter which was THE hottest social media platform at the time. My data was used to predict the winner(s) debut spot on the iTunes singles chart. Also, it would drive traffic to each of the official Twitter accounts, created for the show’s four teams. 

People tend to share the details of a contest with their friends. This leads to more people hearing about your business for the first time. To enter a competition, many businesses make it a prerequisite to share a post or tag others in a post, so that they too can enter. Nothing mobilizes people better than the chance to win something for free!


Increase Brand Awareness 

After people have entered a competition, they’re likely to further investigate the brand to see what else it can offer them. Once you’ve captured these new leads, you can start promoting other products and services that you offer.

If you need any support setting up or running a contest, you can get in touch with an online sweepstakes company. With so many other businesses out there, you need to stand out from the crowd in any way that you can. If you’re known as a business that runs social media contests, this will help to increase your brand awareness. 


Drive Traffic to Your Site = Make Sales 

The obvious bonus from gaining new subscribers is that you increase your number of sales. Once you have these business leads, you have the opportunity to convert them into customers. Many companies will sponsor a future contest and give away one of their own products or services to the next winner.

My first online business was focused on driving traffic to various websites that I operated (as mentioned above). New and returning followers would then take polls and enter giveaways. Then while they waited for their contest results, they clicked on my ads and affiliate marketing links.  These are just a few ways for businesses to make money with a contest.


If you’ve ever considered running a competition for your business, I hope you’ll consider social media contests. It could lead to some exciting new things for your business. At the same time, you’ll gain lots of new customers and email contacts.


Jessica Rose Adams

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