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When To Start Outsourcing & Why It’s A Lifesaver For Your Biz!

Last Updated on February 26, 2020 by Jessica Adams

When you begin your one-woman business journey, outsourcing to others is the last thing you’re thinking of! Sure, you threw your organizational charts and to-do lists out the window on day one but this is your dream and you must maintain control as long as possible. Then again, things can get stressful quickly once your business starts to take off.

You realize that you’re not only the person who is catering to your clients but also handling your own blog posts. You’re also handling all of your social media marketing and automation, checking into Facebook Groups so you can network with other female business owners, and joining Tailwind Tribes through the famed Pinterest scheduler, etc.

This is probably no big deal if you’re single and love to pull 18 hour days on more coffee than you ever thought imaginable! Chances are though, that you have a family and probably some friends too. They’re definitely wondering by now if you lost your mind when going into business all by yourself.

It can be challenging to manage every process as efficiently as a company with several team members. It doesn’t matter how much you’re trying to make it work; there will come a time when you need to start outsourcing to allow room for your business to grow and your sanity, to flow!

The main issue that a lot of new entrepreneurs face isn’t whether or not to outsource, it’s knowing when to do so. When will you be able to trust someone else with all of the systems you’ve worked so hard to put into place for your business? We’ll tell you when to start outsourcing and why it’s such a lifesaver for your business, right here!


When To Start Outsourcing

& Why It’s A Lifesaver

For Your Biz!



When Tasks Start To Pile Up

Okay, what have we learned so far, for sure? You can’t do it all alone. It doesn’t matter that you want to be in charge of your business, you can’t intervene in every single process. Outsourcing gives you the opportunity to reduce your workload while still becoming the creative entrepreneur you want to be.

It can be a difficult first step for most entrepreneurs, who are naturally reluctant to “let go” at first. Let’s face it, you became an Entrepreneur so that you would have complete creative control, among other things.

But it’s essential that you understand that outsourcing is not an indication of your lack of entrepreneurial skills. On the contrary, being able to delegate tasks to the best-suited person is exactly what running a successful business is all about!


When Your DIY Needs Professional Help 

Another thing that Entrepreneurs pride themselves on is the fact that they think they can DIY anything. It’s not uncommon for Solopreneurs to be self-starters who are used to tackling everything on their own.

They’ll go onto YouTube and watch a tutorial that will show them how to DIY their custom CSS for their WordPress theme. Although, if they really knew what they were doing, they would know that’s a task that no one should ever attempt unless you’re a developer! 

Sure, anyone with enough time, patience and some skill can eventually master building their own website, for example. But when is enough, enough? There has to come a time when that SEO expert stops spending all of her time attempting to customize her own WordPress theme since that YouTube video has made it look so easy to navigate through the back end of your website.

Spoiler alert: You can’t get professional results after watching an online tutorial and picking a pre-made theme/template. You need to rely on experienced web designers, such as the team at CandidSky, to build your full arsenal of a professional presence. When it comes to business behavior and expectations, you don’t have the luxury of the choice. You need to let experts deliver professional business solutions for your enterprise.


When Tasks No Longer Require Your Presence

There are plenty of tasks that may not demand your full attention, therefore they can quickly become a waste of your time when you need to focus on more important aspects of your business, such as focusing on clients.

Simple tasks such as data entry, web research, appointment scheduling, and email responding, can take up a lot of time in one day. Hiring a virtual assistant can help with all of these. If you just have something simple to do like building a bookcase from Ikea, Task Rabbit is the platform for you!

Ultimately, outsourcing doesn’t take away from the specific skills and qualities that you bring to your business. First of all, you’re an expert in your area and outsourcing allows you to be just that. Additionally, you have qualities that drive your business to success. These personal and professional qualities that you bring to your own business could never be outsourced.


Your experience comes from you, so you don’t need to feel like any less of the successful Entrepreneur that you are if you use an accountant or a web designer…if you ask for help. You are the key to your own success. When there’s too much for you to handle or when you don’t have the skills to deliver quality results, outsourcing is the answer to your business problems.


Jessica Rose Adams

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