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Expanding Your Brand Reach In the Digital Age

Last Updated on December 7, 2020 by Jessica Adams

If you want to establish your blog as authoritative and actually make some money with your online business, you must absolutely have an expansive brand with a long reach. What I’m referring to here is your brand reach and in order to obtain this, you should start by making sure that people know about you.

This is ultimately how you’ll get the chance to win people over and create a successful business. Fortunately, it’s a lot easier to expand your brand reach in this digital age we live in! With that in mind, here are some fairly simple but very effective ways to expand your brand reach.


Expanding Your Brand Reach

In the Digital Age



Become an Authority

One of the best ways to expand the reach of your brand is by setting yourself up as an authority in your niche. How do you do this? Simply put, by creating high-quality content that is engaging, informative, and most importantly, as accurate as possible.

If your readers know that they can trust the information you’ve published time and again, they’ll choose to visit your blog over others in your niche. They’re seeking the same “Tips & Tricks” that everyone else offers, except they’re only getting their updates and info from a handful of people and you’re one of them!

Eventually, you’ll begin to see an increase in organic traffic to your website and social media accounts. In fact, you can check your own data analytics through almost all major social media platforms and for your own website, to learn about who is visiting you and why? 

Just make sure to have Google Analytics installed and ready to provide you with specific info about your readers so that you can become even more “intuitive” with your marketing tactics. You also won’t have to work very hard at all to keep boosting your organic traffic.


Invest in Social Media Ads (until you’re a pro)

Until that organic traffic from your trusting audience has begun roll in, there’s nothing wrong with investing in paid advertising, the most popular method of (indirect) “paid traffic”.

Creating content should be the cornerstone of building your brand and getting it out there but you do need to “help it along” somewhat, in the early days! One way to do that, which has statistically proven to really work, by the way, is through creating & purchasing Facebook and Twitter ads.

These ads promote specific content such as a blog post, a custom “chat” directly from you to your target audience, and a set of fun images with engaging captions for each is always a winner!). Social Media advertising is perfect for pinpointing your target audience and learning how to engage with the very people who are most likely to be interested in the content, products, and services that you’re offering.


Send Texts With ‘Text Better’

I think it’s safe to say that everyone has a cell phone at this point, yeah? The communication explosion as a result of smartphones has surpassed any/all previous ways we used to communicate. We can send texts, 10-second “snaps“, live stream video chats, the list goes on!

But the fact is, so many businesses still rely on landline phones and email as their go-to form of communication.  So why not make use of a great new service like Text Better and use your “desk phone” to start sending out promotional texts to as many people as possible? 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sent a quick “thank you text” to a potential client, thinking that we were both using our cell phones for the call we just had. Long story short, I’m wondering why they never got back to me and they’re over there wondering if I enjoyed our call.

One of the many benefits of using Text Better is that you won’t miss that text message that’s been left “floating in the ether” when you’re on your landline. Just make sure that your texts aren’t spammy in nature and it should be able to increase awareness of your brand significantly.


Become a Regular Guest Blogger

You might think that writing content for other bloggers is a waste of time when you could be writing for your own blog but I assure you, the more blogs you “guest post” on, the more people you’ll be exposed to! Think about how many NEW sets of eyes will be on your content, linking back to your site (another incredible benefit of guest posting), when someone with say 100,000 page views has their audience reading your work.

When you’re a new blogger, people need to “meet” you and get to know a bit about your brand before committing to following each post that you publish or signing up for your email list. Your business will have a much wider reach with a different audience looking at each guest post.

Imagine that your initial 1,000 monthly page views turn into 50,000 in 6 months because of all the “fans” you made along the way! You’ll have more diversity and a further reach than you could ever hope to achieve when blogging in just one place.


Maintain Consistency

An Apple laptop computer (with its apple logo in plain view) sits closed on a table at a cafe.The brands that are most noticeable are the ones that use the same colors, styles, and language throughout all of their campaigns. Brands like Coca-Cola, KFC, Nike, and Apple (as seen in this photo) are excellent examples because consistency creates familiarity.

So, if you want your brand to reach far and wide, make sure that you use a consistent style & voice in your written content, video/live stream content on all social media platforms.

Most importantly, if you’re being your authentic self, it will be easier to maintain your consistency throughout your business branding. You’ll always have the same running theme in all of your branding if you don’t have to put on a different “face” when you’re in “biz mode”. It’s the beauty of branding one’s own identity!


Building and expanding the reach of your brand takes time, but if you implement the above tips, it won’t take you as long as your peers and that will give you an enormous competitive advantage.


Jessica Rose Adams

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